Chapter Three

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The curly haired boy stood up and turned around to face me. His arms wrapped around me from across the couch and a small dimpled smile formed on his lips.

"Harry" I spoke silently

"Hey Emma, I hope you don't mind I let myself in, the door was unlocked" his voice was deeper then I remembered.

"Its fine, how have you been since the accident?" I questioned.

Harry was one of Liam's closets friends, they had both been deployed to the same area but Harry was let go of a few months ago because of injuries. He had been shot on his left leg and was unable to walk so they let him go.

"I've been fine, I'm walking a lot more now and my wound is healed completely" he smiled, I couldn't help but return the smile, I was genuinely happy to see him up and walking again. I made my way around the couch to sit down. We talked about his accident and everything else. I wanted to bring up Liam and ask Harry if he knew anything about him since he was the last person to actually see him but I decided to go against it.

"You've been crying haven't you" his word surprised me

"Is it that obvious?" I knew it was, my eyes were probably still bloodshot

"I received a letter from Liam a few days ago" he said, as much as I tried not to be I was hurt at the fact that I hadn't heard from him in such a long time, I was constantly worrying over him but he could take time for his friends but not for his worried girlfriend? I shook the thoughts out, I didn't want to seem selfish especially since Liam was out there risking his life, I’m just worried.

Harry shifted on the couch so that he could face me, my head lowered as once again the familiar feeling of pain took place, my heart ached again, and my eyes began to sting with tears. He took my hand in his, "don't cry, he's fine, he wanted me to tell you that he loved you and that he wish he could be here especially today since it’s your anniversary" Harry's words from Liam shattered my heart, tear after tear began to roll from my eyes, all I seemed to do today was cry.

"Why hasn't he wrote to me?" I half screamed

"I don't know Emma"

"I have spent two years already waiting for him, I can't take it much longer, I don’t think I can handle this for another year, I'm getting fed up with everyone telling me he's going to be back before I know it but they don't know how hard it is for me to go day by day worrying about the person I love, it isn't easy, to be honest I'm surprised that I have been able to do it for so long." Tears were still staining my red face

 "It shows how strong you are Emma, trust me it’s hard for him to, I used to see how depressed he would get at night, he would stare a picture of you until he fell asleep, I could tell he held back his own tears"

I know that it was hard for Liam just as it is for me but all I want is for him to come back, as selfish as it sounds I want him to be here with me. He’s helping everyone around him and risking his life for people, I know that but there’s always that part of me that wishes he wouldn’t have left, that he wouldn’t have signed up for the army in the first place. The doorbell rang taking me out of my selfish thoughts and remembering me that I had ordered a pizza. I wiped my face as I walked over to the door. A tall, dirty blonde boy wearing a pizza hut shirt stood awkwardly holding my pizza in his hands. He hand over the pizza “7.32” he stated. I handed him a ten and told him to keep the change and shut the door.

“Want some pizza?” I asked

“Sure why not” Harry followed me in to the kitchen.

We talked for a few more hours and by the time we finished it was 8 o’clock and nothing but crumbs were left. “I’ll see you around okay” Harry said as we walked towards the front door, he hugged me tight, placing a kiss on my cheek before pulling away. He opened my front door and walked out waving goodbye as he walked up to his car, once he drove away I shut the door and headed back upstairs to my bed. My phone was buzzing against my dresser again, I quickly reached it before the call ended.


“Hey Zayn” I shouldn’t have answered

“How are you? Have you eaten? Are you okay? “Have you been crying?” He bombarded me with questions as if we were playing a game of 50 questions. I understand everyone concerns about me but I wish they would just quit asking me if I was okay, or if I had been crying. It was obvious to everyone that I would be crying and that I wasn’t okay so why keep asking.

“I’m fine, I just ate, yes, and obviously” I was annoyed

“ you need anything?’

“Zayn unless you’re somehow going to bring Liam back to me then no I don’t need anything now quit asking so many damn questions” My voice was harsh, too harsh, he was just trying to check up on me.

“Zayn I’m sorry I just….”

“It’s okay, I know” he interrupted

I blinked back the tears, why can’t I stop crying! I have done anything but cry, cry and CRY! I hate this feeling, this feeling of emptiness mixed with constant worry, I hate having people tell me everything will be okay. I want someone to tell me the truth, to tell me that I should be feeling the way I am, that reality is Liam might not come back, that I might never taste his kiss or hear him say I love you. Even though it would hurt I want them to stop feeding me lies because I know that he may be fine now but so much can happen a year from now.

“I’m just worried about you, I know that you can stay strong, and that you hate people constantly checking up on you, that you miss him, I know you do Em” his voice was soft but true “I just don’t want you to give up, I hate seeing you hurt, you’re my little sister I’m supposed to help you and keep you going but I fell useless, I don’t know what you’re going through I can’t even imagine but I know you and although it hurts you to admit you’re slowly giving up and you can’t do that.”

Zayn was right I was giving up, I was losing hope left and right but how couldn’t I. My mind was everywhere, I want this day to be over, this pain, this whole thing to be over. I want to wake up and see Liam calmly sleeping with his arms around me, his head on my shoulder instead of an empty space. “Do it for Liam” Zayn’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

 I took a deep breath “I won’t give up”

“Good, I love you and I’ll stop by tomorrow even though you don’t want me to”

“I love you too dork but fine”

“bye” I could tell he had a grin on his face

“Bye Zayn” I hung up the call, it had to be my brother that would make me realize everything. I owed Zayn so much after all he has done for me he never seemed to ask for anything in return. My eyes lids felt heavy and I allowed sleep to overcome my tired body, I drifted to a deep sleep hoping that tomorrow would bring good news.

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