Part #9: Love and War: Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Stop! Stop right now!" Skyler's voice rose above the ruckus. "Stop, or I'll kill her!"

From his perch on Kyros' shoulder, Jason watched in horror as the King seized Morgan by the front of her dress and pressed the tip of his knife against her stomach. She struggled to no avail, her lightning-fast kicks and jabs falling harmless against Skyler's ceremonial armor.

"Let me go, you fucking pig!" she screeched. Even through the dimness of dusk, Jason could see the bright yellow of her eyes coming through the false blue of her contacts. Her wolf form was close to erupting; she was barely keeping it in check.

"Skyler!" Jason snarled. Launching himself off the statue, he landed cat-like on the marble tiles just beyond the fountain's rim. Straightening up, he drew his two stolen handguns and aligned them with Skyler's head and throat. "Let her go. Unless you think you can stab before I can shoot. That a bet you're willing to make?"

All around them, bullets and stun beams flew, bringing down Nathandrians and foreigners alike. Bodies struck the ground and blood stained the white marble. Like drops of red wine on pristine napkins.

Skyler bared his teeth in a cruel sneer. He pressed the blade harder against Morgan's flesh. Jason saw the wolf shifter's mouth open in a gasp of pain or surprise; he couldn't tell which over the sound of the riot around them.

"Skyler, I'm not fucking around. You hurt her and you'll be dead before you hit the fucking ground." Blood pounded in Jason's ears. It pooled in his stomach and burned in his chest. He gritted his teeth as his body began to shake. But although the gun in his left hand shivered in time with the spasms, his right stayed miraculously still. The best Marksman in Monterra, many people had called him. They weren't wrong.

"Fine, McKinley." Skyler shoved Morgan away. She landed heavily on the gold and white carpet, crumpling with her arms folded around her middle.

Skyler looked up. His eyes met Jason's across the clearing. "Let's do this like men," the King snarled, his eyes savage and his teeth bared. "My old friend."

"Watch who you're callin' old." Jason lowered his gun slightly. The teasing words came out bitter and cold.

Skyler laughed. It was a cruel, harsh sound. Like a raven gloating over a fresh corpse. "No guns," he said. He lifted his right hand. The silver of his ceremonial blade flashed in the light of a nearby streetlamp. "Just knives."

"Just like old times, huh?" Jason agreed. Without looking back, he tossed his two handguns into the fountain. They disappeared with a soft sploosh, sploosh. "Bring it on, Callista." He drew his own blade with a flourish.

Skyler charged. Jason dove forward to meet him. They collided halfway between the alter and the fountain in a clash of metal. Skyler was quick, stabbing and slashing everywhere at once, his golden hair a flash in the darkness. A snake striking and retreating with inhuman grace and speed.

He was quick, but Jason was quicker.

In an instant the Outlaw Prince had brought the False King to his knees. Before Skyler could do more than gasp in surprise, Jason had seized him by the hood and pressed a knife to his throat.

"Skyler," Jason said. He gave his childhood friend a shake, tightening his grip when the motion was met with resistance. "What do you know about the Cult of Deyanira?"

"Nothing!" Skyler roared. He threw Jason off and rolled over one shoulder, landing crouched with one palm flat on the marble. The other he raised to his chest. His knife glinted down its length. "I don't know what you're talking about!"

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