Part #12: The Thirteenth Hour: Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

In a flash, the sun's light aligned with the Sun Sigil carved in the Keystone's surface. The brilliant light of the dawning solstice set the structure ablaze, flames spreading through the channels of energy snaking along the ground. The fire flared and spread fast. Within an instant it had already rushed up to consume Neveah, engulfing her slender body in a wreath of flames. From there it continued its journey of destruction, radiating out into the bodies of the glowing Phoenixes. They burned like twigs dipped in gasoline. Kalligan could smell it. Like mint leaves thrown into an autumn bonfire, writhing and bending in agony.

"Lran, kil li-oros knaran li-aras! (Come, my brothers and sisters!)" Rosetta screamed the words to the sky. Standing proud and tall behind the altar stone with her back to Kalligan, she continued her dark chant. "Maka-anakan jaran akana ranok! (Fight for the darkness!)"

As Rosetta spoke, the light surrounding the Keystone seemed to rise and grow, taking on a life of its own. It twisted itself first into a ball, then into a long snakelike contortion. It continued to morph and change for a few seconds before settling on a final form: a strange symbol, ancient and half-familiar. The symbol on the amulet Jason showed me back in his hotel room before the plague, Kalligan thought numbly. The mark was curving and graceful, fitting perfectly against the hard lines of the rock doorway. It was like a number '7' with a bent tip and an outwardly curving bottom. Inside its inner curve was a separate ring, a golden halo outlining the distant form of the Heel Stone. A symbol born of sunlight settling itself in the inner right crook of the large channeling structure, bending to fit against the slants and angles of the stone frame.

"The Portal is opening," Rosetta said. There was unrestrained excitement in her voice. "It worked. Victory is mine!"

Up until this point Kalligan had been paralyzed, both by Deyanira's magic and his own crippling fear and disbelief. But now he struggled to his feet, dragging his chains with him. Lunging against his bonds, he screamed like a rabid caged beast, the cruel metal cuffs biting deep into his skin. He didn't even feel the pain. He was immune to everything but the pulsing hatred burning a hole through his chest. "I'll kill you!" he screamed. "K rankon klanak! (I'll kill you!)"

"Be quiet, you disgusting excuse for a god." Rosetta glared at him with ink-black eyes. Only the faintest hint of emerald showed through the sheen of darkness. "Or I will end you now."

"Why don't you?" Kalligan snarled. He lunged again. Wet, hot blood dripped down his wrists and onto the snow, but when he looked, he was surprised to find that it was not red. It was a much lighter pink, somewhere between scarlet and silver. My powers are returning, he thought, the realization hardening his resolve. Gritting his teeth, he surged forward with all his might. The metal cuffs snapped like matchsticks under a heavy boot. The chains fell away with a clatter. Kalligan fell to his knees in the crisp snow.

"No," Rosetta snarled. "Nakadin!" She moved toward him, past the burning Nexus, drawing a wickedly sharp dagger as she went. "This ends now, Zephyr. You recovered faster than I had expected. But you can't beat me! Neveah has betrayed you. The Phoenixes have assembled, and the Portal is opening. You cannot hope to defeat me now."

Kalligan clenched his hands into fists. "I don't care, Deyanira. I'm going to try anyway. Unless you just want to shut down the Nexus now and talk about this like civilized gods?"

She let out a bark of insane laughter. "You've lost your mind."

Kalligan gritted his teeth, steeling himself for war. "Maybe I have," he said. He darted sideways, falling to all fours beside the discarded blade of Sparta. He sized it in both hands. Pushing himself back upright, he swayed slightly, his heart beating frantically against his ribs.

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