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LAUREL FOUND HERSELF in Professor McGonagall's office, with her twin brothers' by her side. They were all seated in age order (Lysander, Lorcan, and then Laurel) in three seats in front of Professor Mcgonagall, who stood behind her chair, her stance full of composure and serenity. She stared out the window next to her desk, heaving out a sigh as she turned back to the children, looking at all three gravely.

⠀⠀"You three may leave," she motioned at the three other classmates she had sent to fetch the three Scamander children, Asher, Roxanne, and a Ravenclaw girl that Laurel assumed Lorcan had been seeing (which she had no idea on). The three students filed out of the room, Roxanne casting Lysander a slightly worried look, getting dragged out by Asher.

⠀⠀Once they left, McGonagall finally sat down, heaving out another sigh.

⠀⠀"Is this about the bathroom flooding incident, Professor? Because it wasn't us," Lysander finally said. "I swear—"
⠀⠀"No, Mr Scamander," she cut in bluntly, Lysander immediately shutting his mouth. The three children looked at her expectantly and she dreaded to tell them the news. But she had to.
⠀⠀"Then what is it?" Lorcan asked, calmly and without emotion. But even Laurel could tell: they were all nervous. It was as if they knew what McGonagall's answer would be.

⠀⠀"Your father reached out to me just before," McGonagall said calmly, "telling me that you three have to go home."

⠀⠀Laurel already knew what it was for. But Lysander asked anyway. "What for?"
⠀⠀"I'm sorry," McGonagall said, and for one moment, all three children could see that their headmistress wasn't entirely a strict woman with a dry sense of humor. There was a flash of sentiment, and almost, even Laurel could see this, sadness.

⠀⠀"I hate to be the harbinger of horrible news to you," she continued gravely, talking slowly. "But...your grandmother has passed away."
⠀⠀"What?!" Lysander was the first one to yell, Lorcan and Laurel sinking slowly into their chairs, watching their brother explode into inquiries that the poor headmistress had been dreading and couldn't answer. How? When? Why?

⠀⠀Laurel couldn't feel. She remained silent as Lysander continued questioning McGonagall profusely, denial screaming from his tone, Lorcan's hand in his face, his body shaking...no, trembling. She wanted to tell him it would be okay, not to cry, but she couldn't move. She couldn't feel. She could almost hear her heart shattering on the floor of her stomach. Her grandmother was dead. One of her favorite people on earth...was dead. The word felt like a heavy weight on her. Death. Dead. Died. Gone.

⠀⠀Tears were pricking her eyes, her shoulders beginning to shake. Her grandmother was so bright and brilliant. Why did all the good things in life have to end?

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