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LAUREL WOKE UP to birds chirping and the strong aroma of flowers. She had no idea where she was, finding herself in a loose white nightdress in a stark white bed. The flower-covered room was brightly lit, the window curtains opened to reveal the sunny day outside. Laurel looked over, finding her father and mother sleeping in two chairs near the bed. They both looked exhausted.

⠀⠀"Mum? Dad?" Laurel croaked out. Luna woke up, startling Rolf as well. Luna's grey eyes widened as she realized her daughter was awake.
⠀⠀"Laury!" Luna exclaimed, rushing over to Laurel. "Oh thank Merlin. Rolf, get Healer Strout!"
⠀⠀Laurel watched her father run out to get the healer as she tried to sit up. Slight pain in her head appeared and she winced. Suddenly she remembered everything. James. Where was James?
⠀⠀"It's alright," Luna said, moving Laurel's blonde hairs out of her face, "just lay down. You're going to be okay."
⠀⠀"Where am I?" Laurel asked, frantically. "Where's James? Is he okay? Did he get rid of Mara?"
⠀⠀"St. Mungo's," Luna replied softly, answering her daughter's questions with ease, gently moving blonde hairs from her face, "you got into an accident. James is okay. He's at Hogwarts doing just fine. Mara's in Azkaban. For good."
⠀⠀Just then, Rolf came back with Healer Strout, helping Laurel to sit up as Healer Strout waved her wand. She was approaching her fifties, her graying hair tied back into a tight bun. She wore cat-eye glasses along with her white linen frock, a single thick gold wedding band on her left hand. A few sparks jetted from the tip, lighting up in white. The healer sighed quietly with relief.

⠀⠀"You've recovered well as compared to the way you came to us, my dear," Healer Strout said, smiling. "You gave Poppy and your family quite a fright. She hasn't seen that much blood in some time. You're in relatively stable condition, but I think it'd be best if we keep you for two more nights just to be sure."
⠀⠀"It's already been three days since she's been here. We can't transfer her back home to our care?" Rolf asked. "Since she's recovered."
⠀⠀Strout toyed with the idea in her mind, moving to tidy up the room, giving herself time to think. "I believe that she should stay here, in case anything happens, Mister Scamander."
⠀⠀Rolf nodded. "I understand."
⠀⠀Strout nodded, turning to Laurel. "I will have some chicken broth brought immediately. Drink some water, Miss Scamander. Rest as much as you can, dear."
⠀⠀With that, she left. As soon as she left, house-elves appeared with a tray full of food and water. They placed it on her nightstand and disappeared as well.

⠀⠀"Thank goodness you're alright," Rolf said, reaching over to hug his daughter, kissing her forehead.
⠀⠀"I've been asleep for three days?" Laurel asked, taking a sip of water.
⠀⠀Luna and Rolf nodded. "You hit the wall quite hard and lost a lot of blood. The magic needed to do its work as you were asleep," Rolf stated.
⠀⠀"Have you both been here all three days?" Laurel asked. She stared at the soup on the tray. She wasn't exactly hungry at the moment.
⠀⠀"We've been taking turns with your brothers," Luna said. "People have been so kind, sending you flowers."
⠀⠀Laurel smiled a little, looking over at the rainbow of color in her plain white hospital room. "I wish I could paint them."
⠀⠀"Glad to see the injury hasn't taken the artist out of you. They said you'd have some memory loss, but I think you're doing fine," Rolf said, smiling at her, giving her hand a small squeeze. "Lorcan and Lysander will be here tonight."

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