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SHE MISSED HIM. Badly. But they had to move on. It was a fleeting thing, their relationship, they were just two other teenagers who thought they were soulmates. But alas, they weren't.

⠀⠀Sure, everything had been real. Everything had been as perfect as it could be. The last two years had been amazing and everything she could have ever imagined. Seventh year could not have been as perfect as it was. Though it was rocky, considering the trauma they both had to endure from the year before, they made it, hand in hand. They graduated with the traditional send-off for seventh years, across the Black Lake, with all their friends, hand in hand.
⠀⠀Laurel found no fault in James. He didn't do anything wrong. But the life he lived wasn't the life Laurel wanted to live. Their relationship had the right to privacy, but most of James' life had been stripped of that right. And she just couldn't handle that.

⠀⠀"Please don't," Laurel could hear his voice echoing through her mind. "Please don't do this."
⠀⠀She remembered herself saying, turning away, "I'm doing this for me. I-I love you, but I need to love myself too. And I'm doing that by letting you go."
⠀⠀He had grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him, desperate for her to stay, to change her mind. The warm summer breeze passed through them as they stared into each other's eyes. But it couldn't warm the chill that was growing between them, Laurel watching as his heart slowly shattered.

⠀⠀"Come on," he had pushed a lock of hair behind her ear, "we can do this. We can ignore the press. I promise we'll get through it."
⠀⠀"You know it's not just that."
⠀⠀James looked at her straight in the eyes. "I can help you take care of your brother."
⠀⠀She shook her head, looking down at their hands. "Don't you understand? The healers are saying that Lorc only has less than a year to live. I-I can't and won't burden you like that. I won't burden you with having to take care of me afterward. I love you too much to burden you like that."
⠀⠀She let out a wry smile then; she had grown fond of the nickname only he called her. Tears brimmed her eyes as she looked up at him, touching his face, her thumb drifting to his lips as a sign to hush. She almost whispered her next words.
⠀⠀"It's okay, James."

⠀⠀Before he could say anything else, she kissed him softly, tears threatening to fall. She pulled away quickly, running back into her house without so much as a goodbye. She only looked back when she heard a crack of air, staring at the spot of grass moving with the wind where he had stood.

⠀⠀Laurel headed straight for the kitchen, only to find Lorcan there, watching her intently. She quickly wiped her tears away, holding it in. But Lorcan knew his sister; she would always be a baby to him. And he could easily tell she was in shambles.
⠀⠀She went to the sink, grabbing a glass of water to drink. Her hands shook as she reached for the glass. She was unnaturally nervous and Lorcan could tell right off the bat. He approached her slowly and gently.

DEVIL'S SNARE  ━ james sirius potter ✓Where stories live. Discover now