Benny x Reader - Dracula

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Note: I just made my decision that I'll be adding both Crowley and Benny, probably other characters soon (will see *yeay*). Also if any of you are intrested in contacting me directly other than using social media, like Instagram or Wattpad, feel free to talk to me on Kik: Crystalwaters819. Enjoy this chapter/oneshot. Song Inspired by Bea Miller - Dracula.

(D/n) = Diner Name.

You are just a normal young lady on the outside, people will see you or judge you as a nerdy person who likes to read books and study a lot but there was more to that. You had a whole other side of you, you work with the Winchesters as a part-time hunter of the supernatural during your free time or even when everyone is asleep, although it didn't disturb much of your full-time job working at a small coffee shop called NightOwl Cafe, around the corner of ___ street.

Every since Sam and Dean didn't call you up to help them with any hunt for weeks, you started to get bored, but you still contacted them just in case they needed you as soon as possible. Currently, it was a Saturday morning and the coffee shop was usually packed with early bird customers which was normal to you, but today was slightly unusual to you. To begin with, most of the customers that came to NightOwl Cafe are the people you knew and there is one person that caught your eye who waited in line to order his coffee or a morning breakfast.

"Good morning, what can I help you with?" You cheerfully asked the man that caught your eye.

"Can I have one of your normal Scones and a Hazelnut Latte, please." He shot a smile at you.

"Sure, is that all?" You make sure his order.

"Yes, that would be all." He assured you.

"That would be $10.50." He handed out the money.

"Mind if I know your name sir?" You kindly ask him.

"It's Benny." He was confused at first but as soon as you took a cup and a marker pen, he understood what the name was for.

"I'll be calling out your name as soon as your food and drink are done, you could take a seat." You informed him.

"Well, well, well, It seems like we got a new customer huh? He looks like he has a hots for you (y/n)." Your colleague, Sebastian stood beside you at the cash register.

"Yeah. You think? We just met, and you took ten steps ahead and already assuming that he likes me, as if." You rolled your eyes and made your way to grab the normal scone.

"I can see how he looks at you and the way he told his name to you. I am sure that he is your love at first sight (y/n)." Sebastian followed behind you to make the Hazelnut Latte.

"You know what Seb, I know your trying to help me with my love life, but I need time for myself after (ex-bf/n) broke up with me. It's been hard on me since that day, thank you for all the help I needed. By the way, I've been keeping myself busy after that break up." You told him.

"Alright (y/n), suit yourself. You're welcome by the way and if you ever need someone to be there for you, you know where to find me." Sebastian continued making the Latte, not wanting to ask you more question.

~Few Seconds Later~

"Order for Benny." You called out, he came as soon as possible.

"Enjoy and have a lovely morning." You greeted him once more.

"You too (y/n)." Benny smiled at you, and noticed a blush at you.

"See, what I told you. Love at first sight." Sebastian whispered behind you making you groan and making his way to the cashier to take customers' orders.

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