AU: Dean x Reader - For A Minute

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Note: Song Inspired by: M.O - For A Minute. I'm so sorry it took a while to update/publish a part, due to college that started early than usual. From now on, it will be slow having updates and I will try to update/publish only during my free time.

(Y/f/n) = Your Friend's Name.

You and your friends went to a bar in Little Rock, Arkansas called the White Water Tavern after a long day of work. As you enter the bar it wasn't that much of a crowd but you and your friends tend to enjoy it as much as possible. You are talking with your best friend, (y/f/n), at the bar when all of a sudden a young man stood next to you taking your both of your attention.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation ladies, I just wanted to buy the two of you drinks, if you don't mind?" He smiled.

"It's alright. Sure." (Y/f/n) answered.

"Excuse me bartender, can I have two martini's for the ladies and a beer for me under my tab." He informed the bartender.

"Thanks for the drinks. My name is (y/n) and this is my friend (y/f/n), what's yours?" You thanked him.

"No problem. The name's Dean and over there at the left corner booth with the laptop is my brother Sam." Dean pointed out.

"Well, he seems busy. Aren't we suppose to enjoy when we're at a bar or tavern?" You asked Dean.

"Nah, he's just got tied up with some research for our father to go on the next family vacay." Dean told you and your best friend.

"No wonder." As three of you chuckled and the bartender served the three drinks Dean ordered for you.

"(Y/f/n), why don't you go and have a talk with Sam there? I bet he needs some to talk with other than me." Dean gestured at (y/f/n).

"Sure, I'll be happy to and thanks again for the drink." (Y/f/n) smiled at Dean and winked at you.

"Again, no problem. It was my pleasure." Dean smiled while looking at (Y/f/n) then to you.

(Y/f/n) then walked over to Sam who was still looking hard on his laptop screen made her smile for some reason, as for you, you and Dean sat at the bar and get to know each other.

~A few drinks later~

"What made you went over to (y/f/n) and I earlier?" You asked curiously at Dean.

"I don't know. Seems like it was just fate that decided us to cross path, I guess." Dean looked from his glass of half drink beer to you.

"Wow... You sure are a smooth flirt and sentimental person, huh Dean?" You smirked at him.

"What can I say? When it comes to pretty girls like you, I guess it just slipped out." Dean smirked back at you and winked, making you blush.

"Hey (y/n), it's getting late we gotta get home now." (Y/f/n) went over to you and interrupting your conversation with Dean, yawning and kinda drunk.

"Sure, but first let me take that drink away from you and hand me the car keys, I'll be the one driving the car. Since you look kinda drunk." You chuckled looking at (y/f/n) current state.

Sam went over to you and Dean at the bar with his laptop bag, looking anxious.

"Uh, Dean... Dad called me a minutes ago, he told be to tell you that will be going to Thailand for our next family vacay. Since mom wanted to visit a country that has a pretty tropical weather during summer." Sam shoved his hands inside his beige jacket.

"Cool. By the way Sam, this is (y/n). (Y/n) this is Sam. I bet you've met (y/f/n) over there." Dean introduced you and (y/f/n) to Sam.

"Hey, nice to meet you (y/n)." Sam shook your hand.

"Nice to meet you too Sam." The both of you nodded.

"I guess I gotta go now, it was nice meeting you Sam and Dean. (Y/f/n), come on let's go." You told Sam and Dean, dragging (y/f/n) out of the tavern.

As soon as you and (y/f/n) halfway approaching the car, Dean shouted out your name which to you by surprise.

"(Y/n), I was about to give you this before you go home." Dean gave you a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Well, are you sure you want to give me this so soon? I know we just met for a minute or more in the tavern earlier-" You fold the piece of paper nicely.

"Yeah. I never met someone like you before (y/n), you seem interesting." Dean shrugs.

"I guess I'll give you a call soon." You shoved the paper into your jacket pocket.

"(Y/n), when are we gonna go home~?" (Y/f/n) slurred.

"You better get going, don't wanna keep your friend there waiting." The both of you chuckled.

"I'll see you again sometimes Dean Winchester and enjoy your family vacation." You entered the car and started the engine with your window down.

"Sure will." Dean smiled at you.

Ever since the day that you meet Dean, the both of you talked to one another non-stop and skyped one another. Somehow both of you became more than friends, it was thanks to that fateful day at the tavern.

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