Michael x Reader - Do We Even Matter

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Note: Song Inspired by: Loreen - Do We Even Matter. Long story short, enjoy!

Heavy breathing, What's this feeling,
Never use to act this way around you,
I'm afraid of digging deeper,
'Cause if I fall I might lose it all...

The past few years you and Michael have been together, your relationship have been deteriorating slowly but somehow the both of you didn't want to break it off either. Michael has been changing the way he acted around you and same goes for you, but other then that you didn't want to know what happen between the both of you. The reason behind that is with the relationship slowly deteriorating you may fall into a certain despair and lose what you had with Michael.

It's the beginning of the end I know,
I should've leave I should've go for broke,
Don't wanna lose you but I can't go on,
Without knowing...

Although the relationship was gonna end, it was the beginning that your realize everything was never meant to be. Ever since you knew at the beginning that it may not work, leaving Michael was suppose to happen earlier and you should've been with someone else without be able to know.

You know me better than I know myself,
I'm about to burst I need your help,
Don't wanna lose you but I can't go on,
Without knowing...

After all, Michael have known you better that yourself and it has been killing you mentally. When the happy memories repeats in your head you were about to burst to the point you need Michael to comfort you now. You didn't want to lose him, due to fact that you would not be able to move on from him without yourself knowing.

Now nothing could be like what it was before,
When everything said and done I need to know,
Do we even matter to you...

You had to be strong and pick yourself up, now knowing that the past relationship you had with Michael has dissipated and that everything is said and done. The last thing you needed to ask to Michael is 'Do we even matter to him anymore?'.

I can't choke it all keep my focus,
'Cause it's too late I can't just walk away,
Break this silence stop this hiding,
'Cause all I want to is for the words to tell you...

You couldn't keep swallowing the deteriorating relationship and to focus on it because it has been too late you can't just walk away from. Now you are face-to-face with Michael didn't say anything and it made you furious, you knew this silence has to stop from hiding both of your words towards each other. Thousands of words have been put into sentences kept repeating itself in your head to be spoken/tell to Michael.

It's the beginning of the end I know,
I should've leave I should've go for broke,
Don't wanna lose you but I can't go on,
Without knowing...

You begin to talk breaking off the silence, "Michael, I need to tell you this according to the both of us... Our relationship has been nothing but getting worse, we should have ended this a long time ago. I was suppose to leave you for someone better but at the same time I didn't want to lose you. I felt so stupid that without you and without knowing, I can't move on." Michael stood there silently his head laying low, you started sobbing halfway of your speech.

You know me better than I know myself,
But I'm about to burst I need your help,
Don't wanna lose you but I can't go on,
Without knowing...

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry that I did this to you. I didn't want all of this to happen to you the first place but since I am an Archangel, it was just my nature to know who my soulmate is. I knew you even before I even meet you on this earth. I'm so sorry to break you like this and I should have been able to help to comfort you. Father has been telling me over and over again, before meeting you 'Please don't lose (y/n), she is a fragile being. Without you, she couldn't go on without knowing that your relationship is breaking apart.' Somehow I didn't listen to him, being reckless as I am already in the end you are the one hurting more." His voice cracked halfway as you cried and hugging yourself (as if you are trying to comfort yourself).

Now nothing could be like what it was before,
When everything said and done I need to know,
Without knowing...

"If only you have told me that before, but it is to late now nothing could be changed. I've heard enough from you Michael, things have been said and done. All I needed to know has been unfolded right in front of me without knowing. I guess this is where I'll be leaving." You grabbed and packed your things from the shared apartment and hurriedly went pass Michael to the front door.

Now nothing could be like what it was before,
When everything said and done I need to know,
Do we even matter to you...

Before you could go out Michael grabbed your arm and says his final words to you, "Thank you (y/n), for everything. You made things matter for me. I will be always watching over you and keeping you safe from afar."

From then on let go of your arm and left him with the front door wide open. As soon as you were about to open your car, you turned around and didn't see Michael anymore, he has vanished from standing inside the house. It seems like the weight has lifted from you after all this time. You wiped your tears away and mumbled a thank you at the sky.

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