AU: Dean x Reader - Beating Heart Pt. 2

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Note: Here is to part 2, I'm so having fun writing this AU chapter of Dean (a.k.a Seven) so much. If any of you wanted more of this chapter please feel free to comment below. As for requests, please direct message me personally so that it is easier for me to know what you wanted. Enjoy!

As soon as Seven finishes showing us around the he informed us to get changed into Dauntless clothing that has been provided for us. As you are changing into your new clothes you feel uncomfortable with other people around you; but rules are rules boy and girls alike sleep in the same quarters.

After changing, all of us initiates brought our clothes from our previous faction to burn and went to the cafeteria to eat for the day. The cafeteria was crowded, you and Jo tried to find a spot to sit which was only available next to Seven. When you both get seated, the food has been prepared in front of you on the table and left to be put on your trays.

"Have you never seen a hamburger before?" Jo asked you.

"No, I have seen one but I have never tasted one." You clarified.

"Abnegation eat plain food. Plant based diet with no sauce and with only minimum seasoning." The guy in front of you blurted out.

"Which text book did you swallow?" Jo sarcastically asked him.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Will, Erudite." Will knowingly introduced himself to Jo and also to you.

"Of course you are." Jo says.

"No offense but I'm surprise that Abnegation doesn't eat it at all, pretty selfish. Right? No wonder you left." Jo continued.

"You are pretty self confidence to be friends with a Candor." Will told you.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Jo asked Will.

"You have no filter, you say the first thing that comes to your mind." Will told her truthfully.

"Like 'your an idiot.'" Al spoke made all of you laugh.

"Nice one Al. At least we tell the truth." Jo seemed quite proud of being a Candor.

"Erudite can tell the truth because we have the facts." Will said, but somehow cut off by Seven.

"I don't wanna hear about your old factions, your Dauntless now." Seven overheard your conversation.

"We're you a transfer too or Dauntless-born?" You asked him.

"Are you kidding?" Seven seemed surprised.

"No." You answered; all your friends looked at you terrified.

"What makes you think you can talk to me?" Seven asks you.

"It must be your so approachable." You were taken aback from his question.

"Careful." He warned you.

"You my friend have a death wish." Jo told you; since you spoke with Seven like its nothing.

"You know he was first in his class? They wanted to recruit him to leadership twice, but he turned down the offer." Will whispered the information to you.

Then the music in the background have been stopped and people started to tap there metal cups on the table; more of like a chant of some sort. You were confused and looked around until you saw one of the leaders on the first floor landing giving out a speech.

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