Bread (Important Notice!)

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Hihi! :)

So you lovely writers on wattpad have inspired me to write my own story. It's my first one, and I'm working hard on it, so please be gentle with the criticism.

But anyways, I hope you all like it! And if you see this anywhere else except wattpad, PLEASE tell me, because it is not my story, and someone has copied my idea.

Also, the point of view for each main character (there are only two, with an occasional chapter for another character) will be stated in the chapter title. So do not comment on how you don't know who is talking in each chapter. If their own voices aren't enough of an indication, then it's in the chapter title.

Pictures and occasional videos will be posted as well to make your reading experience more enjoyable also. Still deciding on who to cast and which videos to choose.

Some FAQs:

When will the updates be?

Most likely one or two chapters, depending on how much I'm able to get done, once a week on varying days. I'm a perfectionist, so my chapters have to be absolutely perfect before I post them. I won't give you guys trash.

Who's point of view is in each chapter?

The name of whomever's point of view it is for that specific chapter will be in the chapter title, although the tone of how they speak and who they're speaking to should be enough of an indication.

IMPORTANT: I am quite aware some of you guys (not all of you) get impatient with cliffhangers and would like updates faster, but I am one person and I have a life. Updates will be once a week unless something happens, or the chapter is a long one and isn't finished. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT bother me about updates. I won't forget about the story, and if I plan to go on hiatus for whatever reason, I will let you guys know ASAP. Thanks!

DISCLAIMER: Copyright by LadyAMC1897

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher and/or the author, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

And with that out of the way, on with the story.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy. :)

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