Michael (VI)

23K 829 534

June 10th



The sun shines down on me as I ride down the road to pick up Q and Bishop so we can swing by Nelson's crib. There's a basement party King's throwing, so I'm rounding up the crew at Nelson's before we go down the block. Heh, I need my wingman if I'm about to be picking up girls. I take out my phone to call him to see if he ready for us.

          After three rings he picks up. "What's good, Mike?"

          "Ay Nelson, I'm going to get Q and Bishop and we going to ride out to your place and chill until the party, cool?"

          "Yeah, man. Bet. Ay you mind if my cousin tags along?"

          "Oh word? Your cousin's there already?" Damn that's right. I forgot his cousin was going to live with them now.

          I swear I could hear him cheesing through the phone. He always gets like that about his cousin.

          "Yeah man. She just got here last night. I missed her, for real."

          "Yeah, well that's nice and all, but I don't know about her coming with us."

          I hear him kiss his teeth. "And why the hell not?!"

          I just shake my head, even though he couldn't see. "We don't have time to be babysitting her all night."

"Oh calm down Mike! She's only two years younger than us, and we're twenty-two. She's cool you'll see. Just get Q and Bishop and get your asses over here."

          "Alright man chill. I'm on it." I say, hanging up and laughing at him getting all worked up over his cousin.

          I hang up the phone and pull up in front of Q's house, honking the horn for him to come out.

Q pops his head out of the front door. "HOLD UP NIGGA, WE COMING!"

I just laugh. You gotta love Q.

While I was waiting for them to get in, I started wondering what Nelson's cousin is like. Auntie said she was from West L.A, so she probably was a spoiled brat. Probably looks like Nelson, too. I was going to holler at her, but it's too much work. Besides, I'm not looking to date.

          I do not need another Amiyah.

          "OH MY GOD MICHAEL?!" I turn at the sound of my name and see Amiyah and two of her chicken head friends coming down the block. One of them is pointing right at me.

          "Girl, there go your man!"

          My stomach just drops. Speak of the damn devil.

          Right then, Q and Bishop come out the house and start heading to my car. I hurry up and start banging on the horn to hurry their asses up.

          "COME ON NIGGAS LET'S GO!"

          Both of them turn and see Amiyah running towards us. They don't even waste time unlocking the gate.

          "SHIT. Come on Q, move!" Bishop yells. They hop the fence, and right when Amiyah and the other two reach the car, they lock themselves in the backseat and I slam on the gas. Wasn't about to get caught by her crazy ass again, that's for damn sure.



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