Gabrielle (X)

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June 18th


          I wake up to the sun shining bright on my face through my window. Yawning, I get up and go to the bathroom to freshen up. As always, I start thinking while I’m in the shower.

          It’s been a few days since the party, and I haven’t been talking to Michael that much since then. It’s mainly my fault, since I’ve haven’t been answering his texts and calls. I just don’t feel all that important to him. Especially after that girl ambushed me in the bathroom…


          I ran to the bathroom and started splashing cold water on my face to cool my cheeks down from blushing so hard. I was about to kiss a guy. Michael, of all people! I’m so embarrassed. I hope Nelson and Bishop didn’t see.

          I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn’t notice when someone shoved me against the wall, making me bash the back of my head against it. I hear other girls who were in the bathroom start to flee back outside. I rub the sore spot on my head, wincing when it stung to the touch.

          That’s going to leave a mark…

          “Look here bitch, I don’t know who you are, and I don’t give a damn. All I know is you best not let me catch you with my man Michael again, or we fixin’ to have some problems, dammit!”

          I look up, shocked. There was a girl standing in front of me, who I’m pretty sure was the one who shoved me against the wall. She was fairly pretty, but had a nasty scowl on her face and her dress left nothing to the imagination. But her appearance wasn’t what shocked me.

          “Michael… is your…?”

          “Yes heifer, my man.” She smirks down at me, flipping her weave. “It don’t matter though, a little nobody like you can’t handle a fine ass man like Michael anyways. Only a true hood bitch like me can be down for him. What he gon’ do with your prude ass, anyway?” The girl then starts laughing.

          Meanwhile, I just couldn’t believe my ears. Nelson said he was single, and the way he held me…

          “But he said –“

          Before I could finish, she grabs my hair and slams me against the wall again, and this time my head hits the towel rack. Hard.

          “Fuck what anybody else said!” The girl yells, shoving me to the ground. “I don’t give a damn what he told you, he just lied to get in your pants, which I’m sure didn’t happen with your stuck up ass.” She then turns to walk out of the bathroom.

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