Gabrielle (III)

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June 9th



The sun crept through my curtains as morning came, blinding my eyes it was so bright. Ugh, I wanted to stay asleep, but I had bible study in a little while.


          I stretch and yawn, and get up to go take a shower and get ready. I'm combing my hair and straightening out the curls when I hear someone coming in through the front door.

          'Hmm... must be my daddy. Maybe he forgot something.'

          As I finish putting on my clothes for bible study and make my way downstairs to get some breakfast, I hear sniffling coming from the living room. It sounded like a woman crying. Then I hear my father's voice. I immediately stop, confused. My father was supposed to be at church setting up for bible study, so who's in my house?

          I go around the corner and I see my father hugging a hysterically crying Ms. Watson. Her face was covered in tears, and her hair was a mess. My heart sank a little. I may hate Ms. Watson, but something serious must've happened for her to be this distraught. I've never seen her cry, ever.

          My father hears me come in the room and turns to me.

          "Morning baby girl. I left you some pancakes on the counter."

          I look at Ms. Watson, who hasn't even noticed me she's so upset, and then back at my father. I'm so lost.

          "What the hell-"

          "Watch your mouth, girl." He gives me a stern look then motions for me to go in the kitchen. As I leave, I hear him whispering to Ms. Watson that he'll be right back. I go hop on the kitchen counter and wait for my father. When he comes in, he looks strained, like he doesn't want to tell me something. If I was confused before, I'm completely and utterly lost now.

          My father lets out a hard sigh and wipes his face.

          "Now look, this ain't very easy to say, but Emma's son was shot at work two nights ago."

          My heart stopped and my eyes widened. I could feel the air get sucked out of the room. Not Edward...

          Ms. Watson's son was actually pretty nice to me and was a pretty laid-back guy. He annoyed me with his constant pick-up lines, but he made the mini mart down the block less of a dull, boring place. He was the closest thing to a friend I had in this town, which was saying something since I've only had a full conversation with him only a handful of times.

          Damn, talk about dropping a bomb...poor Ms. Watson.

          Seeing that I couldn't make out any words, my father continues. "In order to help her through this, the church is planning a revival for her, and a retreat afterwards. Emma's been given the opportunity to pick out the guest list, and...well..."

          Who the heck picks out a guest list for a church function? When my father trails off and gives me a look, my stomach churns and I feel as if I know what's coming next...

'Please don't say it...'

          "...she feels it's best that you stay home. I mean, she knows that this must be hard for you, losing a friend and all. She doesn't want you to have to go through all this mess. We'll understand if you don't want to attend the funeral and everything." He tries to smile to calm my nerves, but it's not working. Did he honestly believe her? It's just a reason to get me out of the way. Wait, if he's leaving then...

          "But Dad I don't know anyone here, and I can't be alone! You know this! What am I supposed to do if I can't go with you??" Tears pricked the back of my eyes.

          I know I probably sound like a spoiled brat, which I am far from, but I can't be alone. The last time my father left me alone...I still have nightmares. I just can't do it.

          My father leans over and gives me a bear hug and kisses my forehead. "You'll be alright, baby girl. And I know you don't wanna be in this big ol' house alone, so I called your Aunt Mattie. You can stay with her and your cousin Nelson."

          I immediately brighten up at this.

          "Thank you Dad! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I love you!" I hugged him hard back and kiss his cheek.

          He smiles at my excitement. "Go pack girl, I'll take you over there."

          I hardly hear him as I race up the stairs to my room.

          My cousin Nelson is the only person in this world who's always been there for me through everything. He's more like a brother than just a cousin. I love my dad, I do, but it feels like he forgets about me and only cares about himself and the church. But Nelson, who likes to go by Prince, has been my other half pretty much since birth. My Aunt Mattie, who's my mom's sister, is just as important to me, since she's practically raised me in the few years after my mom died. After that, my father moved us away to West L.A. It's been a few years since I've seen them, but I can't wait to go back.

          I hurry and grab my suitcase, stuffing as many shorts and shirts as I can inside. They still live back in Compton, so I know it's hot over there. I dang near rip off my pajamas and put on a red tank with black shorts and gold gladiator sandals.

          When I finished, I grabbed my bag and rushed back down the stairs.

          I pause when I hear my father cooing to Ms. Watson. I glance around the corner and see him lovingly rub her back, not seeing me behind him. She catches me watching and gives me a cold glare and a smirk in my direction, her eyes red with grief and anger.

          A chill goes down my spine, and I got a sense of dread. That look seemed like a threat...

          I shook my head and shrugged it off. I didn't even care about the fact that she was dragging my father away. Sure Compton isn't the best city, but I don't mind. I won't be alone.

          I'm coming home.

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