Chapter 7

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After Alesa's rambling about the baby's room and what to do and what you need Max went to the store as (Y/N) stayed him with cans of lime green paint as she decided to paint the baby's room that color as Max agrees. Max comes home to a surprise.

Max's pov:

I walk inside the house putting groceries in the kitchen and started to put them away as I hear (Y/N) humming as I walk over to the frame of the door not showing myself as I hear her starting to sing.

"We stumbled into fate and thought....God this all there is..." I recognized the song and it was Blue Lips by Regina Spektor. I never heard her sing before I just fell in love all over again as I smile and listen. I soon leaned in to hear more but fell in the room falling into paint as (Y/N) blushes deeply and screams turning to see me as I get up covered in green paint.

"That's washable so don't worry" (Y/N) smiles as she already had paint all over her as I smile and hugs her as she screams. "No no!! No more paint on me!!" She laughs as I kiss her cheek. She blushes and kisses me gently as I smile kissing her back.

"I love the color" I smile as she blushes.

"Heh yea it's a great shade of green" She blushes as she rubs her belly gently as I do the same as she blushes.

(Y/N)'s pov:

Max and I were cleaning up as after I got in my leggings and a sweatshirt as I look in the mirror rubbing my belly gently as I took Max's camera and starts recording facing it towards the mirror.

"...Almost two months, getting a little bigger. Little guy is starting to kick hehe" I smile and end the recording as Max walks inside smiling.

"Doing monthly bumpdates on your channel..?"

"Oh yea...and more vlogs"

"Well I'm going into town to collab with Adam, will you be alright when I'm gone?" Max says pulling me into a hug.

"Yes I will" I hug him tightly gripping his shirt as he frowns and kisses my forehead.

"I'll be safe don't worry"

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