Guys being sexist and/or prejudiced

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This section may be a bit long cause I have a lot to say about this.

This is a big problem everywhere. Imagine this: you are a girl who is good at the sport you are doing in gym class. Teams are being picked and you really hope to be on the good team/league. As the teams are being announced you realize that all of the guys are in the good league and all the girls are on the bad one even though you are clearly a shitload better than some of the guys. Feel that anger? Yeah that happens to me all the time. Once I asked why the leagues are separated by gender and not by skill. The response that I got was "what are you talking about? We are separated by skill." I was ready to pinch the guy's neck andgive him the vulcan nerve pinch. Sexist pig. And even if by some miracle the team captain does put you in the good league chances are you will be treated like a vegetable. The ball will never be passed to you and all you do is stand there waving your arms around like a lunatic screaming pass to me I'm open because the guys don't think you are good enough to be covered. Now i really need to punch something. This sexist/prejudiced thing also happens when we get to form teams. The guys go one way and the girls the other. My friends and I don't really like playing with the girls cause we feel its not much of a challenge so we sometimes try to see if we can get on to the guys teams. It fails miserably. We are automatically verbally shoved aware because we're girls. They don't even bother to think about our skills in the sport. This is rage inducing.

This issue is outside of sports too. All the time when i come to school with my hair barely brushed and messily pulled back into a ponytail the guy sitting next to me in homeroom goes "why is you hair so messy? Don't you care about what you look like?" I don't give a damn. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I care about what I look like so shut up. Ive seen some guys who care more about what they look like than I do. Also the whole you can't hurt me you're not strong enough thing. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. If necessary I can really hurt someone. I can give them the Vulcan nerve pinch. I can make someone gag (something I discovered by accident during lunch) I can stomp on your foot (ask Accydia it hurts a lot). So guys if you don't think I can hurt you think again or you might end up in a world of pain.

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