The Giant's Grumpiness (r)

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Kyra sighed as she sipped on her coffee. It's really hard to not feel bad whenever Chanyeol treats her like that.

"Kyra?" Someone spoke up, she raised her head to the one who spoke. "Is the food not good?" Kyungsoo asked.

"Huh? no! It's good." She tried to smile.

"Then...are you okay?" He asked.

She just nodded and smiled "I'm fine."

She bit her lip looking down to her coffee for a while before speaking up again. "Uhm...D.O-ssi" she called out.

"You can just call me Kyungsoo" he said.

"Ah okay...Kyungsoo. I'm sorry, I should've woken up earlier to cook breakfast. You even cooked for us." She said

"Not at all. I actually do this most of the time, it's calming for me."

"How long have the four of you been living here?"

"Just about one and a half weeks already." Baekhyun answered. "It's just the four of us since..." Baekhyun looked at the others then coughed "Well...I guess you could say it's because of personal reasons"

"We were looking for a place where people won't recognize us as much and Chanyeol suggested his grandfather's house." Kyungsoo said

"And so here we are" Sehun added

Kyra nodded along.

"Noona. Feel free to be comfortable with us. I know you're a fan, but we're just normal people living here anyway." Sehun said.

"Yeah, stop being too stiff" Baekhyun added.

She smiled. "Well if it's okay with you all"

"Where were you born?" All of them almost jumped when they heard someone talk. They turned their heads only to see Chanyeol approaching with his newly filled cup of coffee. He took his seat, all eyes were on him.

"Ah hyung, what kind of question is that? You sound like my grandfather." Sehun whined.

"What? I'm just asking."

"I came...from Incheon---"

"We'll call you Incheon Gal then." Chanyeol smirked "It's suits her don't you think?"

"Incheon Gal...?" Kyra absentmindedly whispered to herself.

"I like it" Baekhyun chuckled.

"Me too!" Sehun raised his hand. "D.O. hyung you like it too right?" Kyungsoo just laughed but he kind of finds the name cute.

Incheon sounds too cheesy...aish...

Kyra took a glance at Chanyeol...who was unexpectedly smiling a little.

Her brows furrowed in confusion. He was grumpy a few minutes he's acting as if his own words didn't apply to him.

Chanyeol suddenly looked at her in which she immediately averted her gaze and tried to sip her coffee but ended up bumping the rim of the cup to her lip

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