We Are One, We Are EXO (r)

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Kyra stared blankly at the wall while she was quietly seated on her bed. She woke up 20 minutes ago but she refuses to move and go down for breakfast.

It just now dawning on her what she did to Chanyeol last night.

She banged her pillow on her head.

"What do I do?" She muttered. "He...won't think I'm a pervert for hugging him like that, right? I had a good reason...!" She talked to herself. "But...how am I suppose to face him after that? Baekhyun will probably tease me again."

She whined.

"Aish!" She buried her face in her pillow, then immediately put it down as if she realized something. "I'm overreacting. The only reason I hugged him that tight was because of the lightning. I was scared. I can't help it if I have a phobia." She nodded to herself. "Yeah. There's nothing to be scared about."

Suddenly Kyra's stomach grumbled. "Besides...I'm going to die of hunger..."

With one last sigh she went to the door. Opening it gently, peeking through the hallway.

"Coast is clear." She whispered to herself. She went to the stairs and carefully peeked again, even though she can't see the breakfast table from here. What is kind of weird is that she doesn't hear Baekhyun and Sehun bickering.

She finally had the guts to go downstairs but like carefully. Once she was down the stairs she peeked at the dining room to see if they were there.

And...no sign of them?

"Kyra?" She almost jumped when suddenly someone called her name, when she turned to see who it was, it was Grandpa Jang.

"G-Grandpa Jang...! Good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning. Are you feeling better?" He asked because of last night.

"Ah yes. I'm doing okay now."

"That's good to hear." He said. "Your grandfather and I are having breakfast in the garden. There's some food on the table, why don't you go get some and join us?"

I smiled gently. "That sounds great."

Grandpa Jang proceeded to the garden while Kyra went and stacked some food on her plate. She smiled when she saw there was waffles and bacon that was still hot and warm, and even made some hot chocolate. She carried her plate and mug outside where the grandpas were chatting while having some coffee.

"Good morning grandpa." She greeted her grandfather.

"Good morning dear." He said as she sat down. "Are feeling okay? You should've slept in if you want."

"Oh no, I'm fine now." She said. As she started to spread butter on her waffles, she glance around, still looking for the four that weirdly she hasn't seen until now.

"If you're looking for the boys they're not here." Grandpa Jun noticed.


"They already left earlier." Grandpa Jang said.

Kyra's brows immediately furrowed. "T-They left?" She exclaimed. "Oh no..."

"Hm? What's wrong dear?" her grandfather asked.

"I knew it...oh...I knew this would happen." I started to panic. "They already moved out..."

"W-What? Kyra what are you talking about?" Grandpa Jang said.

"It was because I took advantage of Chanyeol last night. Of course they'd think it's not safe here anymore and move out. I shouldn't have done that. They think I'm a pervert now I bet." Kyra started mumbling.

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