i guess i kind of sort of love you guys

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"Do you think you'll be okay?" Christian asked as we walked out of school

I looked down" yes, I'll be fine Christian" God I hate lying, I know I was in for shit as soon as I got home

"You know I really don't want you to go home, you're not safe there, come home with me, the house is big enough and it'll be just the four of us "

My eyes widened "wait, you're saying you live with Aaron and Tyler?" I spoke a little louder than usual, which seemed to startle him

"Uh ... yeah we-"I started to shake my head before he could even finish the sentence. Imagine that! Living with three amazingly handsome boys, all tall and muscular and mysterious. They could hurt me really bad! It would be three against me, And I can't even handle my dad. How would I be able to handle them!

They would never hurt you my subconscious said

My own father turned on me, imagine three boys I don't even know, they could really really hurt me if they felt like it. And what made it even worse is that they were hiding something. I knew they were. The mansion is huge, anything could be lurking in the shadows

I started to hyperventilate, we were in the middle of the parking lot next to his car

Crap! Stop it! You're just going to embarrass him!

I faintly heard someone whisper in my ear "breathe sweetheart, breath, its okay, I won't hurt you baby girl. It's okay. Breathe. Remember, you're safe with me "

That calmed me down a bit. My head was buried in his chest and he was kissing the top of my head, while whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

He makes me feel safe, normal, wanted.

I've only known him for such little time

Imagine how I could feel after spending a lot much time with him. I could possibly fa-

"Hey guys, you okay Hun?" Tyler asked

"Actually we're going to go get her clothes from her house, she moving in with us"

Tyler didn't seem surprised . Yeah, I bet they do this all the time .help people who are really hopeless just like you. Don't feel special, they're just good people Bella. Don't let them fool you.

"Okay I'll see you guys later" Tyler left to his car

"Where's Aaron? " I asked

"He still has track, so he'll probably meet us later too "


On the car ride to my house, I felt a bit anxious.

What if my dad was home?

He would be so angry

Probably beat Christian up too.

"Yeah just turn left here "

"You live really far sweet heart, and you don't have a car, how do you get to school on time every day?"

"The bus" I say softly and shrug.

"There's no buses this side of-"

"Here." I said quickly, I honestly did not want to have this conversation

"Your house is huge"

"Your is huger" I mutter

"Huger isn't a word sweetheart" he says while chuckling a bit, good lord that smile

"I think it is "

"Is not" he says with a playful glint in his eyes

"We are not having the 'is –is not' discussion "I mutter

"Okay fine (chuckle) let's get your things sweetheart "he says while getting out the car and laughing a bit

I was about to open the door but he beat me to it, with a cheesy smirk on his lips

I slightly roll my eyes, but to be honest, I'm quite flattered

As we walk into the house we start to hear moaning and groaning

Crap! He's at it again with the sex! And in the living room! Seriously! Get him out of here!! My subconscious yells

I look down mortified, my caramel skin probably as red as a tomato

I quickly drag him up stairs to my room and lock the door

If my dad saw him, he'd kill me, literally kill me

"Christian, I'm so sorry about that, I didn't know my dad would be home. He's normally working at this time. I'm really really sorry you had to hear that, I-"

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay baby girl, don't panic. Why don't we get your stuff so we can get out of here"

"I can't "

"What do you mean you can't?" I don't say anything " I'm not fucking leaving you here Bella!" he's starting to yell now

"I barely know you. I can't just come and live with three boys I barley know." I say backing away, trembling with fear.

It always starts with yelling

"I'm. Not. Leaving. You. HERE." He says taking an intimidating step towards me

I've never seen him this angry

Of course you haven't, you don't know him. He obviously has a darker side.

I look down to the floor, trembling in fear, tears streaming down my face

"Please don't hurt me "

"I would never hurt you! Don't you see! I'm trying to get you AWAY from the danger, yet all you seem to want to do is stay!" he says frustrated now, pulling his hair

"You know what! Fuck this!" he starts rummaging through my room getting the things I need and throwing them into a suit case

"We'll get everything we need later. Seeing as you're uncomfortable staying with me. I'm taking you to a hotel. "The finality and authority in his voice is something I'm not used to hearing. The only time I've ever heard him use this tone of voice with me is when I told him I was being abused. He didn't take that very well

Well no shit


"I'll stay with you" I whispered softly

"You don't have to baby girl" he said. I always wondered how he always seemed to hear everything I said

"I-I want to."

We had just stopped at a red light. He was staring deeply into my eyes. What I saw in his eyes were emptiness, anger, hurt, darkness, but most of all. Loneliness.

I reached to touch his cheek but was startled by the beeps behind us

I giggled softly and that seemed to make him smile. I just don't get him.

I just don't get how in the time span of one week, someone could become one of the most important things in your life.

I guess I kind of sort of love all three of them. But Christian is different.


He is as mysterious as IWhere stories live. Discover now