their secret

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On the ride back to the house, my mind was racing.

They're dangerous

What they do could kill you

What did he mean by all that?

You're over thinking this Bella, it's not like they kill people for living. Relax

"There she is!" Aaron said. As soon as I walked in, all my uneasiness left, these goofs couldn't be into anything major. Maybe it was underground fighting or something. I mean they kept in shape.

As I walked into the kitchen, I found Aaron cooking and Christian doing something on his laptop at the dinner table.

"Hey sweetheart "Christian said as he stood up stretching "come here"

He pulled me into his famous warm hug "how was lunch"

"Enlightening" I said as I let go and went to the fridge

"Must have been, its six o'clock "Aaron said checking his watch

"Where's Tyler?"

"Here "he said walking down from upstairs. I swear this house is so big.

"How was lunch?"

"Enlightening" Aaron and Christian said at the same time

"Is that so?" I nodded, lifting myself onto the kitchen counter

"How so" Tyler asked

"Well learned that the three men I've been living with for the past month or so are hiding some big secret from me that could possibly get me killed." I murmur

The playful atmosphere gone. Now replaced with serious faces and scowls

"What haven't you told me guys?"

"Nothing you should worry about" Christian said with a clipped tone, he then turned to walk away

"It hurts to know that you guys don't trust me enough to tell me whatever the fuck it is you're hiding. You live in this huge mansion, drive amazing cars. Never have a problem with money. You always disappear. I've been patient enough now, because I know how it feels to have to keep a secret, but it seems as if none of you are ever going to trust me enough. I've told you all of my deepest darkest secrets and yet you still don't trust me"

I haven't looked up at any of them during my whole rant.

It was tense, really tense.

Nobody said a word

"Fine "I said, shaking my head still glaring at the floor with tears stinging my eyes, I hopped down from the counter and ran upstairs. As I got to the last step I said" I felt safe here, but now I'm not so sure "and I left to my room

Knock knock

"Bella it's me Aaron" he said as if I didn't recognise his voice

I didn't reply

"We need to talk, come downstairs when you're done sulking"

I went downstairs and quietly sat down at the dinner table

I didn't want to look up. I felt guilty .they didn't deserve this. They kept me safe and they were family. No matter what.

I sighed and said "guys I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"I'm a mafia boss Bella" my eyes snapped up towards Christian. What!!?

"Tyler is my right hand and Aaron is my tech guy."

"What" I whisper they were staring at me intently

"Hahahhahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaahhaahahahahahahahahhahaha. Right! Hahahahahahahhaahahah. Okay no more!"

Stop laughing you idiot they're serious

I stood up so fast my chair fell back.

"Listen Bella, my dad passed it down to me a year ago. The only reason I still go to school, is to feel like an actual teenager but still that barely works because everyone knows who we are .everyone-"

"Fears you" I said softly

"Look Bella (Aaron) sit down please, let's talk about this. Don't freak out on us."

I slowly sat down, staring at the table.

"Honey (Tyler) we're still the same people you know. We would never hurt you and nobody would dream of touching you, we own this town. Nobody can take us. You're safe with us okay?"

I shook my head and stood up "this is too much. I need some space" I went back up stairs and went to bed. Everything makes sense now.

But the big question is, what happens now?

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