Dreams aren't helping.

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I can't breath. They're everywhere. I want them to go but they won't! Oh god! Stay away from me! Everything's spinning, I'm struggling for air, the demons from my mind surround me. They are all within me. I think it's about time I let them win for once, I can't hold them back for any longer.

I want to scream, scream all my thoughts, it's all dark. I hate darkness I'm an Achluphobic! I can't move! I can't talk or scream! I try to scream but nothing comes out! All I can do is watch. The demon creature comes up to me. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. She places her distorted 7-fingered hand on my cheek. She smiles to most horrible smile each teeth longer than the other, they are pitch black and her breath smelled of Black*Stars armpit when ever he head locks me. Black substance drips from her forehead onto her cold paper white skin with black roots of a tree crawling up her face and hand. Her hair is pitch black like mine but it's all messy and half of it was missing. Her disturbing eyes were a bleached white with a red substance dripping out of them. She looks at me - smiling. "Don't worry child." She says with her mouth barley moving and her hand stroking my soft cheek "Come and join us. You will have no worries in the world."

Soon there was distorted whispery voices. I was surrounded by hundreds of eyes all staring down at me! Everyone had a unique and disturbing design. Some didn't have mouths but they all seemed to almost sing...

Join us...

Join us...

Join us...

Soon the demon girl looked back at me again. Hovering closer to me. She went right into my face!

I can't breath.

I can't move.

I can't scream.

And all she said was, "Join us young child." Then smiling that hideous smile. Before blacking out


Phew! it was just a dream. I sit up and catch my breath. "*huff* *huff* *huff*" My pyjamas a soaked in sweat. I close my eyes for a second. I can't do this anymore. I need to find out what happened all those years ago.


Oh crap! I don't want that to happen again "IM COMING!" I say. My hair is all messed up and asymmetrical "Damn it!" I say looking for the comb, "Nice hair doo." Liz said at my bedroom door. "Thankyou. I'm trying to go for a punk look like that creepy emo band you like, blood on the dance floor or something."

Liz chuckles as she hands me her brush. Walking off she shouts "YOU'RE WELCOME!" I try to brush my hair but it ended up even more tangled and I couldn't get the brush out of my hair. "Damn!" I said pulling it. I pulled it harder but it got more tangled. Eventually I looked for the scissors. "*sigh*" well, I tugged it one more time but it didn't work. I put the scissors up to my hair when:

"NO!" Patti shrieked. "It's on a lock! It's for when your drying your hair!"

"What?!" I asked, "Don't cut your hair!"

She pressed a button on the brush releasing my hair of the brush. "That and another 100 reasons is why I don't use girl items...."

"Well you do pluck Liz' eyebrows..."

To tell you the truth, I feel kind of gay plucking eyebrows, but it's either that or Liz walks around with asymmetrical eyebrows.

"That's only because she does it wrong very wrong." I say, "Well Black*star is having a bet with Soul to see if your gay or not so I would stop of I were you. And besides you do it like a professional so...I don't REALLY blame them...."

"What. Are you saying I'm gay?"

"No! It just seems you have been plucking eyebrows since you were a young boy!"

*Kids flash back*

Small 5 year old Death the Kid walks around unsteadily in big red high heels, a white dress far too long for him, pears around his neck and smudged lipstick all around his pale face, with gloves far too big for his tiny fingers "WHAT THE? What on earth have you done to yourself Kid? And isn't that your mothers clothes?!" Said shocked Lord Death,

"Bitch, I'm fabulous." Young Death the Kid replies.

*End of flash back*

"*shivers* Nope...heh, I had a normal childhood! Hee hee..."

"Anywayyyyy, Liz told you to hurry up because she said Maka taught her how to Maka chop..."

Oh crap, I better hurry, I brush my hair, have a shower, eat breakfast, then brush my teeth and THEN we leave. I take one quick look back in the house too see if it's all tidy and symmetrical.

Oh no! Oh no no no no. The painting! It's leaning slightly to the left! "Um just wait a second!" I say hesitantly, "Kid! we ain't staying because the panting is slightly slanted to the right!" Liz said getting a book out, "Actually it's slanting slightly to the left! Please give me a second to fix it!" I beg slowly inching back indoors, "ONE MINUTE! Or I'm dragging you out of there handcuffed to Patti!"

Well it must be that time of month again.

I rush back in side to fix up the painting. I push it slightly. OH NO! Now it's slightly to the right! I panic hearing Liz shouting at me to hurry up! "Coming! Just wait five seconds!"

I push it up slightly and...FINALLY! Perfect symmetry! Admiring the symmetry I forget all about impatient Liz outside. "OK THATS IT! COME OUT RIGHT NOW OR IM DRAGGING YOU OUT!"

She really has to stop hanging out with Maka, I think I'm getting the Soul treatment. "ALRIGHT IM COMING!" I say storming out. "Finally!"

"Can we go now?" Patti asks, "Yes...*sigh* yes we can." I reply worrying about if the painting falls down or if it leans COMPLETELY to the right or left! I take one quick look back inside to check on the painting, then we finally leave!

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