I woke up all cuddled in the blankets, I didn't want to get up but I had to. I went to the bathroom to take a shower, I stripped and took a look in the mirror.
Oh. My. God.
I placed my hand on my stomach as it growled. It looked rather big, it hadn't seemed like I put on any weight.
It seemed more like it was bloated and swollen, It ached a lot and I felt quite dizzy.
Maybe Patti cooked over due chicken again?
Ignoring the pain I stepped in the shower. And turned on the hot water.
Once again, my thighs, back and wrists all sting with the hot water burning against my cuts.
My aching stomach growled again, but this time is was rather loud, and I could hear it over the shower.
The pain was unbearable clenching my gut I fell to my knees. With the hot water running down my back, I pushed myself forward, and threw up on the shower floor.
I threw up a lot too....
I felt disgusting, reaching for the tap I quickly turned for the toilet. Wrapping a towel around me, I hunched over the toilet and threw up in the toilet bowl. Meh >~< I don't think I can go to DMWA today....
I snuck into Kids house and I cast the 'Recanona' spell on Kid, I started easy and just made him sick, if I start small I may be able to build up and perhaps get a demon to slip inside of him. That should be fun to watch. I looked into the bathroom to see him puking in the toilet... 'Perfect' I said to myself. Hopping back on my broom stick flying off back to the my lair to write down my experiment.
'Recanona spell conducted succesfully, with a few more succesful attempts I may be able to kill the grim reaper'
"Hey kid it isn't that bad..." Liz said trying to cheer me up, "Thanks..." I smiled pretty much hugging to bucket of my puke.
"At least you didn't poop in the shower too! ^.^" Patti smiled wrapping her arms around me.
"Thanks. That helps a lot." I said.
The next day Liz went down town and bought some medicine. While I stayed in bed. And played Halo \(•~•)/.
To be honest I'm not much for gaming but I bought a console for Liz and Patti and after a while it kinda grew on me, and also because the scenery is actually quite symmetrical. And I enjoyed it.
"Here you go." Liz smiled handing me a cup of brown water, "The guy at the chemist recommended it for nausea, you will need one cup a day if your gonna get better..." she said "Thanks..." I smiled, then, I took the cup and took a first sip of it.
And I spat it right out, "IT TASTES LIKE AMANDA BYNES PUSSY JUICE!!!" I spat wiping my mouth. "-.- stop being a baby and drink up....you lil' shit." She said refilling the medicine cup,
"But you like food Kid ^.^" Patty giggles "You want me to drunk that? Are you fucking kidding me?! Do I have a tattoo of my forehead that says Curie Stanley? I'm not putting that in my mouth just because it's food!"
"Come on Kid, you acting like a five year old."
"Alright, alright fine!" And I grabbed the teaspoon. "Lemme just give it a mix..."
"Oh I'm gonna vomit..."
"Something's moving!"
"Is there fish in here? It smells like chowder!"
I lifted up the teaspoon to take a drink a spoon full "Oh god, that's a chunk..."
I looked over at angry Liz and nervously smiled "Bon appetite!" I nervously giggled
"Oh my god it's burning my lips!"
I dipped my tongue in there to taste it quickly "Oh shit! oh god it touched me >.<"
"I've put a lot of bad things in my mouth....this is the worst...."
I held my nose and drank it in one gulp, "There, how easy was that?" she smirked. "Meh. -.-" I said. "Now drink the rest!!"
A few days passed and by the third day I was ready to go back to school. Or so I thought.
"Hey Kid you alright?" Black*Star asked. "Yeah I'm fine!" I smiled.
We enter school with Liz a and Patti in weapon form, mainly because Patti didn't want to walk and if Patty goes in weapon form Liz has to go too!
But nevertheless we arrived in time.
I can see Maka and Soul arguing by the entrance.
I try my hardest not to laugh as I walk past them.
I walked in and sat down in class. Smiling I sit down eating for class to begin.
After an hour I start to feel dizzy. I start to see double and everything seems to spin. Then I see black.
"Hello Kid. We've been waiting for you." Said a tall disfigured woman.
((CLIFF HANGERRRR! So I hope you like it! Sorry the chapters have been short I will make them longer sooner as we get deeper in the story :3 so yeah! Please comment and tell me if you want anything added to the story in the comment section! And please vote! So yeah bye!))

Terror"They all surround me....they all want to kill me...help me....please..." Death the kid, we all know him, likes symmetry, dislikes his hair. But demons...*ahem* sorry I meant Kishin's are after him, what happens when he gets Possessed? Read and find...