((WARNING! This second chapter has a sexual scene.))
Kids POV
What's happening to me? everything's spinning, I seem to feel a presence yet sense no soul, "Kid....join us."
I quickly turned around, that voice was so familiar, it was in a dream, that's for sure.
"Who said that?" I ask starting to sweat, "I did." said...it, as it stepped from the shadows, "Who are you?!" I said inching backwards "Oh Kid, don't you remember me?"
Yes, yes I do remember her, the girl from me dream! "Wh-what are you doing here...." I stuttered.
All she did was smile, hideously. I noticed that the roots on her face and hand were no longer there, but there was her rotting, grey, pasty skin. Her hair hanging over her bleach white eyes and she seemed to be slowly levitating towards me.
I could feel a soul wavelength, it was unbearable, I could feel the energy it was so strong I fell to my knees. "You see Kid, remember that big tree you always see in you 'nightmares?'" she asked looking down at me, I nodded and she continued, "I am Kveikur guardian of the elderly tree, ((Authors Note: such an original name OMG)) that tree, instead of water, sunlight and good care, needs strong souls for it to survive, also needs to...mate....every now and then to keep on growing bigger...." she smirked.
All I did was gasp. And she knelt down, my heart was racing and my chest was burning, all I could feel was heavy-ness.
Suddenly, I was in a white room, I was lying on what seemed to be the ground.
All the girl did was smirk and she looked down on me. Then that's when I realised I was fully in the nude! Slightly embarrassed I tried to cover up as much as possible with my hands and legs.
"It's no use." She smirked.
Suddenly roots started covering my arms and took them away from my area!!!
Then the roots wrapped around my body, I squirmed and tried to move but I couldn't. Then then roots spread and wrapped around me knees and pulled my legs apart wide enough for me to feel uncomfortable. "What's happening?!" I panicked. On my left appeared a giant tree with many more alive roots. Moving around. They all looked disgusting. The scent of rotten flesh filled my nose.
Out of the blue a giant one starting wrapping around my....well....I'm pretty sure you can guess...
I started screaming as the Root was pulling on my area making cum come out of it. I started screaming for help! Witch another root thrusting in and out of my entrance making me howl and scream in pain.
I violently moving my arms around trying escape the clutches of the roots Boiling my eyes out as I did so. Other roots stabbed me all around my crotch making me bleed vigorously.
"LIZ!! PATTI!! ANYONE...help me...!"
After what seemed like an hour the pain started calming down.
"Done crying?" Kveikur said a bit sarcastically as she looked down and Kid. "I got raped a tree!" I said through my tears. Kveikur just laughed.
Her laughter rang through my head. And through my ears.
Soon the laughter turned to crying. Almost like a transition. It was Liz.
My eyes slowly opened, I was in a room and I was lying in a bed, and Liz was holding my hand. "Kiddo kun!! Your awake!!!" She smiled. "You've been in a coma for 3 weeks!"
From my horrible experience I stayed almost paralysed staring at the ceiling. "Kid?" she said worryingly. "Is the medicine shelf asymmetrical?" she asked. The medicine shelf was asymmetrical. But I was to caught up in my trance to really give a shit.
Kid just keeps looking up, why isn't he responding? "Kid?"
He turns his head towards me quickly, I think I may have startled him a bit! "Kid? Can you hear me?"
To my relief Kid nodded. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Where's patti?" he asked hoarsely. "She's in the bathroom. She'll be back soon!" I smiled. "You seem like you need a glass of water." She chuckled. "That would be nice!" Kid smiled as I got up and got him a glass of cold water. I sat back and handed it to him "Thankyou..." he said grabbing it off me and taking a sip. "What happened?" he asked with his throat more clear. "You passed out in class, then you wouldn't wake up....we were all worried....but now your here!"
I quickly kissed him on the forehead and he sat up. Soon after Patti came in and scared the hell out of Kid when she screamed in excitement. "YOUR AWAAAKKKEEE!!!!!" She screamed as she ran up to him, gave the biggest hug ever and panted kisses all around his face. "P-patti....s...stawp!" he managed to choke out. "Oh sorry...I thought you died! I was going to turn your room into a giraffe pen!"
"Your kidding right?" Kid laughed. Patti and I just looked at Kid. "Right..." we both shook our heads.
"Well then." He said.
He stayed quiet for a while. "Kid would you like us to leave you alone?" Liz said. "If you don't mind..." Kid said with a small smile. Patti and I nodded and we left.
I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling and re remembering my awful experience. I don't want to tell anyone about my experience but I know I can't keep it locked up forever. The memory would drive me insane.
A few days pass and Maka invited all of us to stay at her place for a while for us to kind of get together as an end of year celebration.
This should not be fun.

Horror"They all surround me....they all want to kill me...help me....please..." Death the kid, we all know him, likes symmetry, dislikes his hair. But demons...*ahem* sorry I meant Kishin's are after him, what happens when he gets Possessed? Read and find...