Part 6 ii

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Shrugging it off, I proceeded to cook him his eggs, butter him some toast, and present it to him in an awkward, heavy silence. I felt relief wash through me as I pulled my shoes on and zipped my jacket up. As I grabbed my bag, which was slung over a chair near the door, my eyes fell on the small table, which had an object resting on its surface. Leaning down to further examine it, I felt a smile quirk my lips.

“Hey, I think your cowgirl left something behind,” I called to him, reaching forward to brush my fingers against it. As my fingers turned the object, my eyes widened. “Holy….”

“Just leave it,” His drawl came. “She’ll be back, eventually.”

“Oh man!” I whispered to myself, my fingers gripping the smooth bottle. “Your girl must have some extra cash on her…” I called out, pausing to pick it up with a grin. “This is chi hair straighter is over a hundred bucks…”

I picked the straighters up, bringing it to my eye line. They were pink and the two pieces inside shined like they have never been used. “I think I’ll keep this,” I called out with a grin. “Finders keepers – “

“Put it down!”

I jumped, turning to find Zayn standing a mere few feet away, his eyes large and full of anger and locked on the object in my hands.


He stepped forward, his eyes alarmingly dark. “I said put it down,” He repeated with a snarl. “Are you deaf?”

“What’s your problem?” I shot back, ignoring his demand as I clutched the straighter closer. “Your little fuck toy left this…I wonder how good – “ I paused, squeezing the two parts together, causing a soft sound.

“Fu ck!” He hissed, taking another step forward. “Are you fucking stupid? Did you not hear me?”

“Zayn, relax – “

“No!” He yelled, pointing at the exposed brush. “Look,  you dented one of the heaters! Fuck, he’s going to kill me!”

“It’s not that big of a deal, I can – “ I paused, my eyes narrowing at him. “Wait… wait, did you just say he?”

“Screw the cap back on and put it down,” He growled, his teeth bared in a rage-induced snarl. “I’m not kidding.”

“Who does this belong to?”


“Liam?” I repeated, the name heavy on my tongue. I blinked at him. “Who’s Liam?”

“My best friend,” He hissed, reaching forward and grabbing the bottle from my hands. He screwed the cap back on himself and set it down, his breathing heavy and erratic.

“Your best friend?” I echoed. “Your best friend straightens his hair?”

“Yes,” He drawled, his gaze still icy and frighteningly hateful. “And that – “ He nodded at the pink straighter. “is his favorite. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“Hey, whatever,” I rolled my eyes, putting my hands up in mock-surrender. “I don’t care what your friend does in his free time…” I cocked my head down at the bottle. “My best friend, Victor – he wears nail polish. He’s flamingly gay, though, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary for me – “

“Are you assuming my best friend is gay?” Zayn glared at me.

“No,” I snorted in disbelief. “No, no. I was talking about Victor – “

“Shut the fuck up,” Zayn’s drawl cut through the air sharply. “I don’t give a fuck about your best friend.”

“Jesus, calm down,” I sighed, slinging my bag further onto my shoulder. “I’m just saying, you know. I mean…” I chewed my lower lip slightly, my eyes squinting at the straigter. “It must just be a little weird seeing your friend straighten his hair. That’s all.”

“Tell me,” He spoke up bitterly, his eyes cold and burning into me. “Is it weird for your friends to associate with you?”

My lips parted, my eyebrows furrowing. “Wha - ?”

“That their friend looks and dresses how you do? Hm?” He cooed hatefully at me, stepping forward. I took a step back , slightly unnerved by the livid behaviors that Zayn was exhibiting. “Tell me, Sam, do you think your parents find it weird that you’re part of their family?”

“What are you talking about?” My voice was wavering, my eyes intent on the heated figure before me. He took another step forward, and I caught a whiff of his spicy cologne.

“Do you think they find it odd – “ He licked at his lower lip, “That they birthed you?” He paused, a cruel smile forming on his lips. His frosty gaze cut into me, and I felt a dry lump forming in my throat. “That they brought life to such a fucking pathetic excuse for a female – for a human being?”

My eyes widened.

I stood in shock – did he really just… did he really just say that to me?

His gaze didn’t soften, not even a bit. He nodded towards the door, his chin tilted condescendingly. “I thought so,” He hissed. “Now get the fuck out of my sight.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice.

I left quickly, my legs carrying me down his long hallway quicker than I’d expected. The elevator ride was awful – the dry lump in my throat was growing more painful by the second and an agonizing heavy, tightness had settled in my ribs. I’d set Zayn off, that was for sure – but how? I’d just mentioned his best friend and the unusualness involving males and nail lacquer…

As I stepped outside, the pain in my chest worsened. I’d promised myself I wouldn’t let Zayn ever get to me – wouldn’t let him break me.

But as I walked briskly down the street, not even the strongest gust of the bitterly cold October air could dry the warm liquid leaking from my eyes.

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