Part 11

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Part 11

“Nate…” I nearly smacked myself for repeating his name like an imbecile, standing there in an awkward, stiff position. I felt my mouth dry and my cheeks flush at the slight smirk that formed at the corner of his lips.

Say something, you idiot!



“You remember my name this time,” he leaned forward slightly, a teasing smile playing at his mouth. “I’m relieved, Sam.”

I looked down quickly, the flesh of my face still warm and my hands awkwardly fumbling together. I felt like a small schoolgirl, my heart fluttering with embarrassment and my throat feeling exceptionally dry in front of this boy. I couldn’t look up, either, because I knew if I looked up I’d make eye contact with his pretty, nice green eyes and I’d see his simple, clean-cut brownish hair and his handsome features. Although I knew part of me didn’t want to look up either because I’d be disappointed that his eyes were sharp and green, not a molten brown, or that his hair was cut short, not up in a perfect sculpted quiff.

Stop it!

“I’m surprised to see you here,” I spoke up slowly, willing to break my thoughts away from the other less endearing male situated on a couch with that bimbo blonde girl.


I found the ability to look up and did so with a rush of courage, staring Nate straight in the eyes with a new-found determination. “How’d you get in?”

A charming smile spread across his lips, his mouth parting to reveal straight teeth. “My buddy’s a bouncer, he got me in – “ He paused to nod towards the bar area, his eyes leaving mine only for a quick moment. “-And I have another friend that works at the bar. So I get in and I get free drinks.”

I chewed my lower lip slightly, nodding in understanding. “That must be nice.”

“It’s not too shabby,” he shrugged, smiling softly and tucking his hands into the front pockets of his dark jeans. His eyes gleamed teasingly as he made eye contact with me. “Why’re you here? Do you know a bouncer too?”

“No,” I laughed under my breath, looking down at my feet once more. “My friends…” I coughed lightly, glancing up. “…I’m here with…some friends. They, um… have connections, I guess…”

Nate nodded. “Gotcha.” He cleared his throat gently and glanced around for a moment before making hesitant eye contact with me again. “So, uh, did you want to get a drink or something?”

“Oh.” I was quiet for a moment, the syllable escaping my throat quietly. I shook my head quickly then, “Oh, a drink. Um…I don’t really drink…” I pressed my lips together, craning my head slightly in the direction of where Zayn and Liam were. Nate must have noticed my tentative glance and reached forward with a subtle movement of his hand, touching my lower arm lightly.

“I’ll get you a soda then,” he smiled, his fingers pressing comfortingly against my flesh in a manner very similar to Liam. “It’s just a drink. Besides, how often do you get the chance to have free drinks at a place like this?”

I sighed, a subtle smile playing at my mouth despite my feelings of hesitation. “Yeah…” I exhaled slowly, shrugging. “I guess you have a point – “ I paused to let my eyes slide towards the balcony where I’d been with Liam. “- Let me just… let me just go talk to my friends… let them know…”

He grinned again, and I realized I kind of liked his smile. It was warm, friendly, kind of mischievous. Leaning down, his head came closer to mine and I felt my breath catch in my chest. His lips neared my ear and my body went rigid, my eyes widening slightly at the sudden, intimate gesture. His breath ghosted against the outer shell of my ear as he spoke. “Don’t ditch me, okay?”

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