Part 12

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Part 12

He stared at me for a long moment, his breathing heavier than usual and his eyes narrowed into these small, bitterly angry slits, glowering into mine with incredible intensity. He opened his mouth to say something, his lower lip parting from his upper, but his lips finally pressed together firmly, preventing any words from escaping into the air among us. I rolled my eyes, clenching my teeth together in irritation as I made a motion to step forward and around him, away from him.

He had other plans, however, and moved swiftly in sync with my own body, blocking me from leaving the area. I exhaled slowly through my nose, scowling up at him. He folded his arms across his chest loosely, the skin along his jaw tight with each clenching motion.

“What’s his name?”

I scoffed when I heard his lowly intonated, thickly accented voice echo through the empty, quiet area. Imitating his motions, I folded my arms lazily across my chest and cocked an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?”  I sneered up at him, my eyes narrowing and challenging his hard gaze. “Are you talking to me?” I paused, sarcastically glancing over one shoulder and then the other. “I didn’t know you knew me.”

“Shut up,” he bit out, his teeth bared in a subtle snarl. “Answer the fucking question.”

“His name is none of your business,” I spat viciously, making another attempt to walk around him. His body moved quickly with mine, blocking my path and hovering over me like some sort of dark, dangerous predator. “Move,” I snapped irritably.

“Not a chance,” he snarled, his brown gaze darkening even further. “Not until you fucking answer me.”

“I already did,” I retaliated sharply. “I told you his name is none of your damn business-“ I paused, a malicious smirk forming on my mouth. “I’m so happy that my private life is that important to you, though. I didn’t think spying was your thing, Zayn.”

His head dropped back slightly, a harsh laugh escaping his mouth. “Spying?” He laughed again, shaking his head slowly. “You wish. It was hard to miss your little romance out there, with your fucking tongue down his throat-“

“Down his throat?” I let out a sharp laugh. “You’re delusional if you think that my tongue was down his throat.”

His eyes gleamed even darker than before, reflecting a rage and a fury that initiated slight terror within me. He stepped closer to me, the warm pants of his breath brushing gently against the flesh of my cheek. His breath emitted the undeniable scent of heavy alcohol and cinnamon chewing gum, and I couldn’t control my eyes from shifting to his lower lip. That damn full lower lip, pinkish and matching the light flush on his cheeks, his high cheekbones, and along the curve of his jaw…

“I thought you were different,” he finally murmured, his voice much calmer and lower than it had been moments ago. He stepped back, inhaling slowly and deeply through his nose. I tore my eyes from his supple mouth and frowned in confusion.


“Preaching about my habits with girls – telling me that I should treat them better – “ he paused, snarling at me and letting his arms drop from their folded position to point an accusing finger at me. “-You’re no better than them.”

“Than your girls?” I affirmed before letting out a bitter laugh. “Oh, please, Zayn.”

He nodded slowly, his brown gaze never averting itself from mine. “Just like the rest of them,” he mumbled quietly, his cold eyes focused so intently on mine. “Just a whore.”

My eyes widened for a moment, shock registering through my body. Had he just said what I thought he said? No, no, no –

“What did you just say?” I hissed angrily, taking a step closer to him. He didn’t budge, just stood with the same stoic expression reflecting in his eyes. ”How dare you! How dare you fucking call me that.”

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