Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

****** Conditioning & Stretching ******


Brynn: I think conditioning is gonna kill me

Peyton: Don't worry its just getting us ready for worlds. And since you're our newest flyer you will have to come to extra practices like I do for flexibility and new stunts that we need to be taught.

Brynn: Does Jamie come to them? I know she's a flyer, but I really think she hates me. Earlier she was really mean to me and I don't want her to get the impression that I'm the newbie and I'm going to take everyone's spotlight....

Peyton: She is like that all the time when someone new comes to the gym. She either likes you or hates you. But all you need to do is talk to her.

Jamie's POV:

I know there talking about me, I can just tell. Brynn keeps looking over at me and smiling. Ugh why does she have to be like that? Its her first day and she is already sucking up. But her brother on the other hand is adorable.

Peyton's POV:

I love both Brynn and Jamie. But I'm not choosing sides if something happens between the both of them because I don't want to get involved. I just need to focus on Worlds and all the other compitions.

Brynn: Hi Jamie.

Jamie: Yes?

Brynn: Look I know we got off on the wrong foot and I want things to be better for us. Its my first day at the gym and I don't want you to hate me already. Please?

Jamie: Thanks. Okay lets get back to conditioning......

Brynn: Okay....

Coach Joe: Okay everyone! We have new cheerleaders at the gym Brynn and Zander! Please give them a warm Cheetah family welcoming! So as you all know tryouts will be in a week and we will be working very hard. Now I want my stunt groups in there groups. Zander go over to where Reagan is flying and base. Brynn go over where Jamie is flying and both you guys switch out. Jamie help Brynn if she needs it

Jamie: ummmmmm okay? But Coach Joe she was on Rays so I think she knows what she is doing just a little.

Coach Joe: What Jamie?

Jamie: Nothing.....

Coach Joe: That's what I thought.

Brynn: Hey Jamie-

Jamie: What?!?

Brynn: Uhhhh well um, I didn't choose to be in your stunt group so don't be mad please? I think this will be a good thing for the both of us, me and you flying! I like flying with you! Don't you think?

Jamie: Just fly please.

Jamie's POV:

I look over at Peyton and wink and she gives me a look and says "She's only trying to be nice! Please, Please, Pleaseeeee! Be nice!? I love you girly!" Why does Pey not take sides with me? I mean we have been friends forever. I wonder if Carly, Rea, and Matty will take my side on this. She is just a suck up. Hopefully she isn't invited to the party. But hopefully Zander is.

****** 2 Hours Later And Done With Practice ******

Peyton: Hey Zander Brynn!?

Zander and Brynn: Yea?

 Peyton: I'm having a party this Friday night its for all the teenagers in Cheer Athletics and the coaches, I know its only Wednesday and its kinda short notice, but I wanted to know if you guys can come?

Zander and Brynn: Sure! Thank you!

Reagan: Hey Zander! Can I talk to you?

Zander's POV:

Oh gosh. I'm so scared.... She knows I like her already and its my first day at the gym. Wait it cant always be that it can probably be about the party or something..... Yea that's probably it.

Zander: Ummm yea. Brynn tell mom ill be in the car in a few minutes. I shouldn't be long.

Raegan: You did really good at basing me today! I like you better then Matt. Hahahaha don't tell Matty though!

Zander: Hahahaha awwww thanks!

Reagan: No problem! But I do have a question for you.

Zander's POV:

I can tell I'm blushing really bad. My face feels a little hot and in the pit of my stomach I get bad butterflies.... But now she wants to ask me something.

Zander: Uhhhh ummmm. Yea I guess.

Reagan: Do you like me? When you first walked in here I saw you and immediately I liked you, but when you showed me your tumbling skills I new you were the one. I know its cheesy, and its only your first day her at the gym, but I was just wondering...

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