close your eyes

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my head pounded as i slowly opened my eyes. i cringed at the light coming through the window as i tried to figure out what happened last night. lia and i got drunk but it was mostly a haze.

then i looked down to see lia pressed up against me still asleep. memories of last night came back in bits and pieces. we got drunk, then lia suggested body shots and i kissed her. then we ended up taking it farther than i thought we would.

"fuck," i said rubbing one of my hands over my face. i had probably just ruined the friendship i had with her. but for some reason i didn't regret it.

i realized how loud i was when i saw lia shift and begin to open her eyes. she was looking up at me with confusion. i could tell the moment when she had realized what we had done. she quickly sat up pulling the sheets with her so her chest wouldn't be exposed.

"shit," she exclaimed, "that actually happened."

"i, uh, i'm going to uh, make some coffee," i stuttered as i found my boxers on the ground and quickly left her room. i found my shirt in the kitchen which i quickly put on.

i found her coffee maker and began making a pot. but i couldn't stop thinking about last night. i had always been attracted to lia but i never thought i would actually do anyhting about it. she was a great friend and i never wanted to ruin that.

a couple mintues later i saw lia walk out of her room wearing a sweatshirt and some pajama shorts. she tried not to make eye contact with me as i passed her cup of coffee. she gave me a small smile and placed some advil on the counter for me.

niether of us said anything. but it wasn't like the silence i was so used to having with her. it was awkward. and i hated it.

"we should just forget about last night," she spoke not even bothering to look at me.

"why?" i asked desparetly trying to get her to make eye contact with me.

"look at us luke, we're being awkard. we're never awkward," she stated.

"forgetting about last night won't make things any less awkard. niether will pretending it never happened, because it did. we fucked. both of us were drunk and emotional and we fucked," i ranted. i had no idea what i was saying but i did know that i most certainly did not want to forget what happened last night.

"well then what should we do?" she questioned finally bringing her eyes up to stare into mine. "continue drinking our coffee in awkward silence?"

i looked away. i couldn't answer her question because i didn't know the answer.

"do you regret last night, luke?" she asked.

"no," i said without any hesitation. "no, i don't. do you?"

i looked at her. she was staring into her coffee mug. i couldn't quite tell the look on her face. she seemed confused, scared almost.

"i don't know," she whispered.

"how do you not know?" i said turning so instead of us standing side be side i was right in front of her. there was barely any space between us.

"luke what are you doing?" she said putting a hand up to stop me from coming any closer. both of us had placed our coffee on the counter, only focusing on each other.

"i want to try something," i told her. again she looked confused. "close your eyes."


"close your eyes," i stated, cutting her off from whater she was going to say. she looked at me and rolled her eyes before doing as i asked.

one of my hands moved up to cup her cheek while the other gripped the counter. she gasped when my skin made contact with hers and opened her eyes again.

"i said close you eyes," my face being only inches away from hers. her breath was shaking but her eyes closed again.

only needing to move forward another inch, our lips collided softly. it wasn't like any of the kisses we shared last night. we were slow, hesitant. last night we ran on pure lust. but as i kissed her in the kitchen, it was like everything slowed down. it was just us. nothing else even mattered.

when i detached my lips from hers i opened my eyes to see hers still closed. i stayed close, keeping my froehead pressed against hers.

"do you regret last night?" i whispered.

her eyes opened and stared right into mine. i could get lost in her eyes forever if i wanted to.

"no," she responded.

a smile broke out on my face. i connected our lips in a short kiss. i couldn't get enough of the taste of her lips.

"what do we do now?" she continued.

"will you go on a date with me?" i asked her.

"you know,  normally in a relationship, you're supposed to ask the girl out on a date, then get into a relationship with her and then fuck her," she commented.

"you may be right, but you are forgetting one crucial thing, we are anything but normal."

sha laughed at my words but knew they were true. we weren't normal. we were both a little fucked up in our own ways but somehow we fit together better than i thought possible.

"you better make sure it's a good first date because if it isn't, you're not gettting a second one."

"you better get ready then," i told her backing away from her.

"right now?"

"right now," i confirmed.

"you don't even have a plan."

"i have a feeling that our relationship would work better without one. i mean come on, if i had a plan we wouldn't have fucked last night and i probably wouldn't grow the balls to ask you out for a sollid month."

hey guys thanks for reading my story, i hope you like it. don't forget to comment and vote!!

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