Private School

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Imagine:You are about 18 years old and your mom and dad wanted you to go this private school.Apparently, it's the best school in the country.

You:Mom, I don't want to go to another school!
Y/M/N:Im sorry sweetie, it's for the best.We want you to have a good education.
You:How did I even get a scholarship?
Y/M/N:Your father and the Dean are very close friends.Now come on

*You, your mom, and your dad take your stuff out of the car, put your bags on the baggage cart and meet the dean at the entrance*

Dean Wethersbee:Hello,Im Dean Wethersbee you must be (Y/F/N).
You:Yes,that's me

*You two shake hands*

Dean Wethersbee:Here is your uniform

*Your uniform is a tied shirt that shows off your belly button,a plaid skirt that shows off your legs,a white sweater, and some knee-high boots.To be honest you thought it would look really good on you.When you put it on, you were right.It did look really hot on you*

D/N:Now that you have on your uniform, let me show you where your dorm is
You: Ok
Y/M/N:Bye, sweetie
You:Bye mom

*You give her a great big hug before you leave*
*20 minutes later you find your dorm*

Y/N:Wow, this place is amazing

*There are 4 single beds, a game room,a restroom,a movie room,4 drawers, a 68 inch flat screen TV, and  4 bean bag chairs.*

Dean Wethersbee:Glad you like it,now just wait for your roommates to come.Here is your roster
You:Ok thanks

*You decided to get comfortable so you put your clothes in your drawer.When you were finished you decided to figure out which bed you were getting*

You:I guess I'll choose the bed in front of the TV

*Just as you got on the bed you saw 3 girls come in through the door*

Y/R/N:Hi,Im Emma
Y/R/N:Im Rachel
Y/R/N:Im Nicole
You:Im (Y/N)
Nicole:That's a pretty name
Emma:So I see you've already found a bed to sleep in
Rachel:So now that you've found your bed, I guess we should get to know each other

10 minutes later

Emma:Well now that we've gotten comfortable, I guess we should get to class
We all say in unison: Yeah

*All of you walk to your first class*

You:I guess we have our first class together,huh?
Rachel:Yeah,I guess so
You:I hope you don't mind me asking but,how long have you guys been at this school
Nicole:Well,I've been here for a couple of months
Emma:I've been here a couple of weeks
Rachel:I just got here a couple of days ago

*Just then you see 4 boys talking,but when they see you they start to whisper but just then you see one of them,possibly a Latino boy, staring at you*

You:Who's that
Nicole:Oh that's Carlos Garcia.I'd stay away from him if I were you
Nicole: Because he's a player.He tells girls that there beautiful,then when he gets what wants from them, he just leaves them.No phone text.nothing.But then again it is just a rumor so I don't know if it's true or not
You:Don't always believe what you hear
Nicole:Yeah whatever but stay away from him
You:Ok fine I'll stay away from him if that's what you want
Nicole:I'm sorry if I'm being a nag right now but I just don't want you to get your heartbroken from someone like him
You:It's ok,Nicole I'll be fine I'll stay away from him

*Just then you hear the bell ring and a woman walks in*

T/N: Everybody please take your seats.Oh I see that we have a new student.You can take a seat next to Carlos.

*You take a seat next to Carlos and he starts looking you up and down and licks his lips*
You:Don't call me sexy
Carlos:But you are
You:Don't call me that
Carlos:Are you doing anything this weekend?
You:Why do you want to know
Carlos:Just wanted to know
You:No not really

*Just as those words leave your lips,you feel Carlos's hand go in your skirt,and feel your butt*

*You swat his hand*

You:Stop that
Carlos: Playing hard to get,huh?That's cool we can finish this after school
You:Ew, no
Carlos:*winks at you*
You:*rolls eyes
*After 15 minutes the bell rings and everybody leaves*

You:Time for the next class
You:What do you want

*Just as finished that sentence Carlos pulls you close to his body*

You:Well I would like you *you pull away from him*to leave me alone

*1 hour later it's time for lunch*

You: Finally
Emma:I know right
Nicole:The food here is amazing
Rachel:Yeah it really is

*You,Rachel,Nicole, and Emma get your food and go sit down at a table.As soon as you sit down,here comes Carlos, sitting down beside you*

You:*sighs*You've got to be kidding me
Carlos:Im not giving up on this
Y/N:Look,I don't like you and I never will so please stop following me around like a stalker

*45 minutes later you go to the library while Emma,Rachel,and Nicole go back to the dorm.You were reading this book called The Notebook until you felt a hand creep up your skirt and felt your butt*

Carlos:Not wearing any panties,are you?You naughty girl
You:Ew stop doing that,you pervert!
Carlos:Sorry it's just that you look so sexy,babe
You: Don't call me babe
Carlos:What is your problem
You:One of my friends told me about how you get what want from girls then you just leave them
Carlos:Look, all those things your friend told you about me,there true.But you're not on the list of girls I want to just have sex with
You:Wow,thats cold
Carlos: You're on my other list
You:And that list is?
Carlos: My Princess list
You:Are you serious
Carlos:Do I look like I'm joking,princess?

*You were looking in his eyes to see any joking emotions but you saw nothing but truth*

*Before you could even respond,his hand went up your skirt and on your private area.You tried really hard not to let a moan escape your lips but failed*

Carlos:You like that don't you?

*He put two fingers and started pumping in and out of your orgasm.You started to bite your lip to keep from moaning but failed*

Carlos:You know you like it.I don't want to be so sudden but would you like to,you know?

*Just as he finished his sentence you started to gather your things and left*

Carlos's P.O.V
What!?How could she leave when I gave her all that pleasure?Oh well I guess she really isn't interested in me.I was about to go back to my dorm when I felt an arm grab me and pull me into a kiss.I was surprised to see it was (Y/N)!

You:I reconsidered your offer.I would love to finish this after school
I don't care about anything else.All I want is her in me .Right now!

Yeah I know it's terrible  but it's first imagine so please be nice about it.Tell me what you guys think about it.


Just to be clear, D/N means "Dean's name" and Y/R/N means "Your roommate's name" just in case you didn't know

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