Christmas Surprise

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Imagine:It was Christmas Eve and Carlos told me he had a surprise for me.I couldn't wait to see what it was but Carlos knows I hate surprises but I don't want to ruin it so I'll wait.Plus I want to be surprised when I see it.

*You were decorating the tree with Carlos and when your finished,you went into the bedroom and got out the present for Carlos.It was a WiiU.He's been wanting it for a couple of months now.You got it for him a couple of days ago at Black Friday.It was 70% off.Pretty sweet deal.You got the games out from under the TV and went to get the wrapping paper and started wrapping the games.Right before you were about to finish wrapping the final corner of the game station,you felt two strong arms around your waist

Carlos:Hey Y/N what are you wrapping?
You:It's a surprise
You:If you can't tell me what I'm getting,I can't tell you what your getting
Carlos:Awww fine,well played Y/N,well played
You:Don't act like a baby Carlos
Carlos:I am not acting like a baby!
*The way he did that made you giggle*

Time to skip to Christmas morning

Carlos:Babe,wake up its Christmas!
You:Carlos it's super early
Carlos:It's 7 am it's not that early
You:Can I get like 5 more minutes

*Carlos picks you up off the bed and carries you bridal style downstairs to where the tree is*

You:Which present do you want to open first babe?
Carlos:Hmmmm let's see..........I pick that one

*He points to the present with the blue bow on it,neatly wrapped in Christmas lights wrapping*(wow that was super specific)

You:ok open it

*Carlos grabs that present and rips it open to see an iPhone 5 with green case with with the Instagram logo*(once again really specific)

Carlos:Woah.This is awesome thanks Y/N
You:Your welcome Carlos
Carlos:Now open mine

*Carlos pushes a sky blue present with Santa in his sleigh with holes into your stomach*(why am I being so specific with these gifts!?)

You: ok ok ok

*You open the present to see a little Yorkie puppy*

You:*gasps*Puppy!He's so cute.Wait it is a boy right?
Carlos:*slightly laughs*Yep
You:Well in that case he's so cute!Where did you get him?
Carlos:As I was getting your "surprise present"I saw him on the curb and you know how I am so I stopped the car and put the little guy in the back seat
You:That's why I love you you have such a kind heart
Carlos:Thanks babe
You: You're welcome

*15 minutes later you and Carlos finished opening up all of your presents.All that was left was the "surprise present".*

You:Now that we opened up all the presents,where is this "surprise present"?
Carlos:Well surprise "presents"
You: Presents?
Carlos:Yep let's go

*Carlos pulls you up and guides you to the garage door.As the door slowly opens up, you eye lids grew wider.You then saw a new car parked in the garage.*

You:You got me a new car!?

*You pull Carlos in for a kiss then a hug*

You: Thank you Carlos
Carlos: Anything for my girl
You:So whats the other present
Carlos:We're going on a shopping spree!

*Carlos laughs*
As you get ready you think of all the reasons why you and Carlos are perfect for each other.There are too many to list but here are some
1.Carlos is so sweet and you know he'll do anything just to see a smile on your face
2.Carlos has such a kind heart
3.His laugh is like music to your ears.Every time he laughs it's like you know everything is going to be alright
4.He really knows how to treat a girl

*You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Carlos yelling "are you ready to go"*


*You walk downstairs*

Carlos:Let's go

*You two get in the car and drive to the mall*
*2 hours later you are done with your shopping spree and you and Carlos go home*

Carlos's P.O.V.
Y/N and I were done with the shopping spree and went home.We put the clothes in the closet and went back downstairs

You:So what is this other present

*I put my hands on her bra strap and slid my finger up and down*

Me:This present is for both of us
You:Carlos, you're dirty
Me:Yeah but you like it so what do you say?
Me: Yes!

*We went upstairs to the bedroom and I got myself another special Christmas present*

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