Pregnancy Scare

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Imagine:You and Carlos have decided on making a baby and you've been trying to make a baby for the past 6 nights but so far have been unsuccessful.For the past 4 mornings you've been feeling really nauseous and started throwing up.For the last couple of days,you've been having really weird cravings.

You:I better go the doctor's office and see what's happening to me

You decided to go to the doctor's office and see what's wrong.
When you got there,you told the doctor about the morning sickness and the weird cravings.

D/N: Let's check something
D/N:Can you please pull up your shirt a little

*He put on ultrasound and put some gel on your tummy and started rubbing the tube all around your tummy.When he was done he looked at you with big smile*

D/N: Congratulations Y/N, your having babies!
You:Im sorry did you say "babies"?
D/N:Yep your having twins
You:Oh my god
D/N: Congratulations
You:Thank you

*You left the doctor's office to go home and tell Carlos the great news*

15 minutes later

You:Carlos!? Are you here

*You saw a note on the coffee table saying"Hey babe I'm out shopping for something"*

You:I guess I'll wait for him to come back

10 minutes later

Carlos: Babe Im home
You:Hey babe

*You both say "I need to tell you something" at the same time*

Carlos:Ok you go first
You:Ok uhh I don't really know how to say this but um... Carlos,Im pregnant!
Carlos:You are!?
You:Yep, with twins GOING TO BE A DAD!!!
You: I guess our attempts were successful
You:Well what did you want to tell me?
Carlos:Ok I don't know how to say this but.....ummm

*He pulls out a black ring box and gets down on one knee*

You thought to yourself"He's not about to-PROPOSE!?"

Carlos:Will you marry me?

*He slid the ring on your ring finger*

Carlos: And in a couple of months,our babies will be here

6 months later

*You were watching TV with Carlos until you felt a sharp pain in your stomach.Then the baby started to kick*

Carlos:You ok?
You:Carlos, I think it's time
Carlos:Wait,its time!?
You:It's time

*Carlos runs upstairs and grabs the hospital bag you packed a couple of weeks ago and puts it in the car.He picks you up bridal style and places you in the passenger seat of the car and you both drive to the hospital.20 minutes later you arrive at the hospital.You check in and Carlos finds the nurse and the nurse brings a wheelchair.You race to the hospital room*

Carlos:Just breathe in and out
You:ok *breathes in and out*

*2 minutes later the doctor arrives.About 27 minutes later,you were going into labor.After one baby,you decided to give in*I

You: Carlos I can't do it.I can't I can't
Carlos:It's ok baby just one more baby to go.You can do it
D/N:Alright Y/N just one more push

The doctor was right.One more push was all it took.

D/N: Congratulations Y/N it's a boy and a girl

*He gave you the boy and Carlos the girl*

Carlos:So we go with original names we picked?
Carlos:Welcome to the world,Skylar Josephine Pena and David Marcus Pena.

*You and Carlos got married shortly after the babies were born.You guys lived happily ever after.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I think this is the cutest out of all of them!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💚💚💖💖💖💖💖💙💙💙💕💕💟💟💞💞💞💞

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