Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Better Life?

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Harvey and I have been in this orphanage thing for a few days now, and apparently we're already meeting someone who might adopt us. Something like that.

Mrs.Marie said that two guys named Joey and Daniel were coming to see us.

You see, even though me and Harvey are twins, we're best friends. He's the only friend I've had for the 8 years we've lived.

We lived in a complete mess. Our dad loved us very much, and tried to protect us as much as he could. Our mom was a completely different story.

She would drink until she passed out, and say mean things. She wanted to get our daddy to be mean, too.

Our daddy's only weakness was us, and she knew that. So whenever daddy would stand up for himself, she would hit one of us. It was like that our entire lives. Until one night.

Mom came home extra drunk that night. That was also the night daddy was going to save us and get us out of the house.

Mom caught daddy and started yelling. Mom walked away and daddy started running out of the door with us in his arms.

Mom caught up to us, but she had a baseball bat. Daddy told us to hide behind a car, so we did.

Mom was yelling, and so was daddy. Then mom swing the baseball bat and it-

"Cass come on we gotta go," Harvey said shaking me out of my thoughts. "We have to go meet Joey and Daniel."

We walked down the hall to a small blue room where there was a tall guy with swoopy brown hair, and green eyes. Next to him was a slightly shorter guy, with dark green hair, and bright green eyes.

"Hi I'm Cassibell, and that's my dork twin Harvey."

Word count: 307

Adopted. But Saved?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora