Chapter 5: Going Home

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"Hey Harvey?" I asked kind of quietly, considering it was almost 9:30 pm. "Huh?" Harvey said a few seconds later. "Do you think Joey and Daniel will bring us back here after a few days? Ya know since there are two of us, and that's twice the amount of work." I asked just loud enough for him to hear. "I don't know Cass. They seem nice, but so did mom. So, I really don't know Cass. Wanna play soccer with me?" Harvey responded after a few minutes. "Sure."

Half way through our game there was a knock on our door. "Come in." Harvey yelled.

"Hi guys. Joey and Daniel are here to pick you up tonight instead of tomorrow. Can you guys pack up and get ready to go? You can take anything you want from this room, we don't mind." Mrs. Marie told us.

"Sure thang Mrs. Marie." I said. Me and Harvey gathered up the few pairs of clothes the police officers let us grab, our brushes, shoes, and some of the stuff we liked to play with.

We walked out of our room and went to the main part of the place. Sure enough, Joey and Daniel were sitting there smiling like idiots.

"Cass!! Harvey! Sorry for showing up unannounced, but we just couldn't wait!" Joey said all giggly.

I turned to Harvey and said, "Is he always that happy?" Apparently Harvey wasn't the only one that heard me, because soon enough everyone was laughing. "Unfortunately, yes." Daniel said in between laughs. "Hey!" Joey yelled, hitting Daniels arm playfully.

"Are you two ready to go?" Mrs. Marie asked. "Yep. Ready to meet the dogs!" I exclaimed happily. "Aw sweetie you guys aren't meeting the pups until tomorrow sorry kiddos." Joey said with a pout.

"Oh. Well we should probably get home anyways. It's pretty late. I'm tired." Harvey said.

"Yeah let's get you guys home. Come on." Daniel said waving his hand towards the door. We all followed him out of the door and into the car, which was pretty snazzy if I do say so myself.

*time skip to arriving at the house*

This house was huge. It had a room for me and Harvey, Daniel and Joey's room, a guest room, and whoever 'the wig' is.

"You're rooms are right up here. Harvey on the left. Cass on the right. You guys can get settled in. We'll be back in a bit, we're down the hall if you need us." Joey said walking up the stairs and showing us to our rooms.

Me and Harvey parted ways and went into our rooms. My room was pretty big. It had a bunk bed desk thing. And had a purple theme to it.

I grabbed my bag and started unpacking.


My room had a blue- orange theme to it. There was a bunk bed without the bottom bunk. There was even a swivel chair.

I grabbed my bag and started to unpack.
Word count: 501

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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