The A-Z of Global Warming.
With the latest UN IPCC climate report just released, and scientists confirming with 95% certainty that humans are the "dominant cause" of global warming since the 1950s, now is the perfect time to download The A-Z of Global Warming 2nd Edition, updated for 2012, complete with hyperlinks to news articles and source material!
The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (Best) study - confirms global temperature has risen by 1 C since 1950, and the USA recording its warmest March and July 2012 since records began in 1895, and with 2012 probably the warmest year, now is the perfect time to learn more about this complex and pressing subject.
Confused about climate change? Need clarification? Concerned the adverse weather conditions that seem to be affecting the Earth? A complete guide on global warming and related environmental science, set out in unique A-Z format looking at the Amazon, Biofuels, Carbon Dioxide through to the Weather, Extinction and What You Can Do To Help. Each chapter deals with a specific aspect of global warming and the facts and science involved.
“…a useful simplification in an unusual format of some very complex issues.” – Sir Crispin Tickell GCMG, KCVO.
“This is an excellent, witty and imaginative book that looks at climate change through the lens of simplicity without the jargon and scientific detail which so often dogs this subject. It has a humour and tongue-in-cheek approach which highlights both the importance of the subject, but the need to engage the reader and not fill him or her with a hopeless sense of guilt. Enjoy” –
Tim Smit, CEO Eden Project.
“…helps to make a complex body of factual material accessible...useful to the climate change novice and seasoned eco-crusader alike.” Law Society Gazette, November 2008
“A is for Amazon, B is for Biofuels, C is for CO2. This handy guide presents both the basics and the most up- to-date scientific knowledge in an unusual but surprisingly handy format. The key points at the end of each chapter are especially helpful.” Ecologist (the world’s leading environmental magazine), February 2009
“Climate change presents a great challenge for ecosystems and wildlife already ravaged by unsustainable overexploitation, pollution, invasive species, and deforestation. Warming could cause tremendous shifts in globally important regions like the Amazon rainforest and the Arctic. People too, are at risk, but the brutal irony is the places that will bear the brunt of changing climate – low-lying islands and Africa for instance – have contributed least to the problem. Nevertheless there is hope. While humanity is driving rising carbon dioxide levels, we can also devise solutions for reducing them. It’s not going to be easy, but we are the best hope for life as we prefer it on this planet. It’s all up to us.” Rhett Butler, Mongabay
Rhett Butler has been involved with tropical rainforests since 1995. More importantly, the information sources (peer-reviewed journals, respected researchers, etc.) used by are credible. Further the site has been praised by a number of well-respected conservation biologists – including Dr Russell Mittermeier of Conservation International, Dr Peter Raven of the Missouri Botanical Gardens, William F Laurance of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Mark Plotkin of the Amazon Conservation Team, and Dr David L Pearson of Arizona State University, among many others –
It has been four years since I wrote The A-Z of Global Warming, so I thought about time to produce a revised and updated version. CO2