You Know You Love Me

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sorry for the long wait. the really long wait. super sorry. updating now XD

It was lunch time. Everyone had there specific groups that they sat with, normally every group had their own table, but due to a new elementary school being built, some of the table were taken there. So it looks like groups will have to share the table.

When the bell for math class rang she quickly stood up and exited the classroom before Gray could catch up to her. Gray shook his head and smirked as she quickly walked away from his desk.

When Erza finally got to the lunch room, Lucy was sitting on the edge of the left side of the table, but on the edge of the right side next to her was a certain pink-haired idiot. Erza walked up to the table and slammed her bag on the table and sat in the chair across from Lucy.

"You okay Erza?" Lucy asked. Erza stuffed her head on her bag and shook her head. "What's wrong?"

"We are gonna be surrounded by idiots." Erza looked up at Natsu, " So if he's here, that's means-"

A dark blue bag was thrown on he table and landed right next to Erza, across from Natsu.

"that means, he's here..."

Erza looked up and saw Gray stranded above her. He put his hands on her shoulders and although she liked the feeling, she had to play it cool and act annoyed.

"Oh c'mon Erza. We both know that you really do like me! Like a lot!" Gray smirked. "No Gray, I hate you." Erza remarked.

Soon enough everyone else was at the table. Cana, Wendy, Mira, Romeo, Hibiki, and Laxus, filling up the ten-seat table.

Lunch was chaotic due to everyone standing in line to get food. All of the seniors knew that getting the lunch food was not worth it at all. They either snuck off campus, brought their own food, or didn't eat at all. No one at the table are that day. They had a lot of catching up to do.


sorry for it being so short but this should keep me going. I'll try to update soon!

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