A weird start

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The frosty teeth nipped at the hooded figures features as she hesitantly walked towards the overgrown building that lay on the corner of the street. She grasped the handle of the Moses basket in her hand tighter turning her knuckles white. She couldn't look at the child who was sleeping soundly in there. Her sister's death wasn't expected and thoroughly heavily tragic. Though as she now was only twelve she couldn't raise a child. So here she was outside of Faun's Orphanage. Giving up her only link to her sister left. Was she a monster? She lay the basket on the step and knocked thrice leaving her written letter on her niece's tummy and turned away to the dark.

The Faun who found the child wept at the cursive lettering she had just read. The child was named Anais Quinton. She believed it suited her perfectly. The small girl had caramelised eyes and unruly ebony hair. Graceful, yes, she was. Her mother may she rest with Aslan now did pick a very fitting name the Faun thought as she took the child into the home. Anais was a quite child. As she was brought up in the orphanage. She mostly just sitting in the corner reading anything she could. She didn't really talk to the other kids there, yet she spoke to one of the ladies who worked at the orphanage's daughter. Not that she had a chance really, Elizabeth Taylor had everything in life, yet she was so stubborn. Their friendship started due to Elizabeth wishing for Anais to tell her, her name herself. Anais finally gave in and then boom the super best friends as the other children called them were born. When Anais was nine, something dreadful happened that sparked her passion to help anybody she could. She started volunteering at the hospital at sixteen but at eighteen she was a fully qualified doctor. Well qualified by the dryad's standards.

Woodhaven had gone into uproar after the fall of the white witch. As Woodhaven wasn't a Narnian owned land that meant they had no leader, meaning there was no laws. Dr Anais was saving lives on the daily now because of these dark years. Nobody knew how it could stop and the new rulers of Narnia all four, had no idea what was even happening. Yet the great lion did. Aslan was travelling through Narnia's attached lands when he passed through Woodhaven. He saw the kingdom in such doom he didn't know if even the deepest of magic could save it. Till a match lit in his mighty brain for a great idea had been sparked. He had just given Narnia new rulers not only eight years ago. What if Woodhaven needed one too? He didn't wish to bestow his Kings and Queens with another land to govern so he set on his own quest to find a perfect person to rule this quaint little Kingdom.

She was giving CPR to a frail lady when he saw her. She was so full of passion, so selfless. Aslan's brows rose as he heard the women's beat stop. But it was the fact that she didn't stop that she gave some of her breath into her. That she didn't stop. The lion was greatly impressed when he heard her heart beat again. Yes, this lady who did anything to help another, one who never gave up. She was the ruler he needed that they needed. He majestically walked into the make shift hospital and looked at her in the eye. All those mortal bowed at his presence.

"Dr Anais Quinton, I have been searching for someone to look after this nation and I believe you have the purest soul to do so .. will you accept my child?" Anais bowed again and smiled.

"Aslan, I honour your words, but I don't think I'm the right person I'm sure someone is worthier"

"My dear, don't be silly for you even stating that shows you are"

"If you are sure, your grace." Aslan smiled and guided her out of the hospital and roared mightily to draw all citizens to the court to announce his choice. The townsfolk cheered as Anais was highly recognised as loving soul within them all. That is how Queen Anais of Woodhaven was chosen. Her coronation was simple just how she liked it.  It was in May, her favourite month as that is when spring fully bloomed. Anais lived in the place Aslan had kindly created for them, she didn't want a massive place to live in, but Aslan insisted she looked the part as well. Anais wore an white and black corseted gown. A small silver tiara was worn on her head as she walked down the make shift aisle. Everybody in Woodhaven was invited as well as the Archenland Duke's and Duchess as well as a few lord's from Telmar and the guests that scared her the most the High King and Queen of Narnia. King Peter was highly excited for the coronation as was Susan, she loved meeting new people and having another Queen to talk to about all the worries that hound her.

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