Chapter Two - Everything and Nothing

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Heh, so, not much happens in this chapter. It's a big filler, but hopefully it'll do! xx

Happy reading :)


Chapter Two – Everything and nothing

Hermione ran down the halls of the castle; running past a puzzled Ron and Harry. But before they had time to ask what was wrong, Hermione had already bolted out of the common room, running towards the great hall, checking the classrooms along the way. She hadn’t known where Professor Dumbledore would be; he could be anywhere. It would be her first instinct that he was in his office, but it was almost impossible to get in there unless you knew the password.

Hermione knew the only solution would be to tell Professor Dumbledore. But the questions kept running over her mind. As selfish as it sounded, shouldn’t Voldemort be after Harry, not her? It didn’t make any sense! Hermione didn’t want to put any danger in Harry, but she didn’t want any danger towards herself either. It was impossible to believe, and she didn’t know if she could bear all of it.

As Hermione continued running, different thoughts swirled through her head, until she stopped, and whipped her head around.

“And where are you going, mudblood?” The cold, raspy voice came from down the hall, and Hermione squinted to see who was there, until she finally spotted him; Draco Malfoy. Draco had always hated Hermione, Harry and Ron. He’d try to make every moment of their lives miserable, even the ones around them. Hermione recalled when Hagrid was put into a lot of trouble because of the hippogriff that bit Draco’s finger. He just wouldn’t let that one go.

“That’s none of your business, Malfoy.” said Hermione, ignoring the rude word Draco had used at her. She was about to turn around and head to find Dumbledore again, when Draco appeared in front of her.

“That’s true. I don’t want to be in contact with filthy mudbloods anyway.”

Hermione had to calm down. She couldn’t let a single boy ruin the lives of billions. She had only one thing to do, and that was to find Professor Dumbledore. Instead of responding, Hermione shifted to the left and continued looking. But Draco didn’t stop, either.

“So, I assume you’re looking for someone?”

“And why would that matter to you?”

“It doesn’t,” He said. “But as a prefect, I wouldn’t want you running through the halls.” His voice was sarcastic and menacing, and Hermione hated it.

“I’m a prefect too, Malfoy. Maybe I’m looking for students in the halls.”

He was distracting her; his main goal. But where could Professor Dumbledore be? Maybe if she found Professor McGonagall – yes – and asked where he could be. As she very well already knows, Hermione, Harry, and Ron had asked for Professor Dumbledore numerous times, and would undoubtedly understand.

Instead of heading towards the Great Hall, Hermione turned and goes for Professor McGonagall’s office instead.

“Well you can leave that to me, mudblood,” The word came out so easily out of his mouth, which caused anger to boil in the pit of Hermione’s stomach. “Go and write an essay or something.”

Although Draco’s rude comments weren’t all too surprising, Hermione couldn’t help but question why he wanted to send her out so quickly. Whatever mission he had in mind was surely not to catch students, and his first priority seemed to be to kick Hermione out of the way.

“Why don’t you go write an essay, Malfoy? The one for Transfiguration?”

“Well you see, Granger, I don’t take orders from mudbloods.”

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