Chapter Six - Confession

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Chapter Six - Confession

This time, Hermione didn’t know why, but she didn’t even need to think. She pulled out her pink cell phone and texted the unknown number. Dare.             

                If truth had caused her so many problems before, then why not try dare? Voldemort wouldn’t tell her to kill right away; he liked watching others suffer, slowly as they become to fade. Pain was what he wanted. It was an easy problem to solve when truth literally meant saying the truth. Hermione didn’t have anything to hide. But she knew that if she got anymore truths, so much as one, she would break.  

                She reread the letter, just in case there were other clues from Voldemort, but everything was still the same; the blood ink and the rough paper. She knew she wasn’t smart enough to solve Voldemort, but anything could have helped.

                The text came back two minutes later. Confess. Confess to Ron.

                Hermione reread the text, over and over, hoping that it was joke, hoping it was not right. She couldn’t confess. Bloody hell, who knew if they actually knew each other? She couldn’t just walk up to him and confess. Especially since Lavender. Lavender was happy with him. She would ruin, once again, another friendship. She couldn’t.

                But then she thought of the others. Everyone else. Something so simple like this and if she didn’t do it, everyone could possibly die. She was being threatened; controlled.  When will this end?

                That night, Hermione cried herself to sleep, and only hoped for the best when she would confess tomorrow.


Ron was in the cafeteria.

                Hermione didn’t know at first; she was looking for him the whole day, until she spotted the red head. She moved rather quickly towards him, ignoring stares as she pushed passed the full cafeteria. She made sure Lavender and Donna wasn’t around, just so she wouldn’t cause a scene. She didn’t really have a plan, which was surprising, since Hermione always did. It didn’t matter if it were for the OWL’s or another exam; she had a plan. But this time, she didn’t even know what she was going to say. Maybe words would fly out of her mouth without her having to think.

                “Ron,” Hermione called out, and he stopped short, turning around and tossing her the most splendid smile.

                “Hey Hermione,” He replied, grinning. Okay, so he knows me. Great. “What’s up?”

                “I’d like to talk to you,” She glanced around. “Privately.”

                Ron looked suspicious, but then shrugged his shoulders and followed her out of the cafeteria. Hermione would be enjoying this moment of seeing Ron (although the muggle version), but still. He looked the same, except in a hoodie and a pair of jeans. Hermione started thinking where he lived – if in the Burrow – and almost forgot why she was even looking for him in the first place.

                After another day of this place, Hermione almost knew where everything was, so she wasn’t surprised when she opened the door of an empty classroom. It was so bizarre, not seeing animals flying around        or anything of that sort.


                Hermione took a deep breath and turned around, staring into his blue eyes. They were so gorgeous, falling along with his pale and freckly skin. “T-This must come out weirdly, but -”

                “Did Lav send you here? I told her not to spread around.”

                “This has nothing to do with her,” Hermione snapped, and Ron was taken aback. Control, Hermione, control. “Just let me speak.”

                Ron shrugged again. “Okay.”

                Hermione closed her eyes. Just imagine he’s not there. She just wanted to words to slip out on them own, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Every time she tried to speak, her mouth opened, and then shut. It was like a barrier was forming in her throat. “I-I-“


                “I love you.”

                Hermione clamped her hand to her mouth, feeling her cheeks heating up. She didn’t want to look at his expression. She kept her head down, staring at her shoes, pretending this didn’t happen. This was her first time. She never confessed; ever. She would have never imagined doing it all of a sudden, anyway. Secretly, Hermione planned it out in her head. She’d wait for the perfect moment; the right time for her to tell him. But this was it. Voldemort ruined everything. All hope is gone now, if there was any before.

                “I know.”

                Hermione shot her head up, feeling blood rush through her veins. “You what?”

                Ron sighed, and his ears turned red. “I know. I know the way you stare at me in class, Hermione. It’s so obvious, almost everyone can tell.”

                Embarrassment was an understatement. Throughout this whole time, he knew? Even if Hermione wasn’t really Hermione in this case, and Ron wasn’t really Ron in this case, in this world, he knew? Why hadn’t he said anything? Hermione swallowed, trying to hide the truth. “So you lead me on?” Her voice croaked.

                Ron shook his head immediately, his face and ears turning even redder as each second progress. “No, no, I wouldn’t have. But I thought, since you knew about Lav and I, you would have, I dunno, figure-“

                “I cannot believe you Ron,” Hermione interrupted, feeling tears slowly ball through her eyes. Her eyes were in pain from all this crying, but she couldn’t stop. “I would have expected more from you.”

                And with that, Hermione turned to face the door, with her heart broken into shreds.


 Author's Note

So, extremely short chapter. Like not even 1000 words (and to think I could ever to NaNoWriMo)

But anyway. No more apologizing nonsense. I have writer's block (if you couldn't already tell)

Everything's crazy lately, and I'm seriously so confused on where this is going. The reads, however, is really making me want to update, and I guess that sort of boosts up my imagination level (??).

But on a happier note, there's an online Hogwarts (omgomgomgomg). Go to srsly omg omgomg hogwarts!! online!! it's some pretty cool stuff, like you can take courses and you'll be assigned assignments and stuff and omgomgomg it's awesome.


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