New But Strangely Familiar

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A/N: I was hoping to never do these again, buuut I have a completely good reason. Said reason being y'all should check out MaciEngolas . They have a new story out called "A Strange Adventure" so go read that! Anyways, 'til next time!
Even though a week and a half had passed since I saw the man or had another incident similar to the dream, my mind had barely wandered elsewhere and, unfortunately, it was becoming noticeable, my boss having asked me twice if I was okay twice these past few days. Thankfully, I didn't have work today, but my brain insisted 6 AM was a great time to be awake, not that I minded...well, I didn't mind too badly. After all, it gave me an excuse to return to the coffee shop.
Quickly getting ready, I grabbed only my house keys, deciding to walk. It was chilly out, but comfortably so in a way that mixed perfectly  with the quiet of the morning and the gentle sunrise. Knowing the shop opened at 7, I took my time, just looking around and taking in everything. It was, albeit boring to some, a peaceful way to pass the time and before I knew it, I was turning right onto the street the coffee shop was on, right on time as they unlocking the doors.
Ahead of me, a strangely familiar figure entered and, with a jolt, I realized it was the man! Picking up my pace, I entered and saw him sitting at a table playing on his phone, facing away from everything. Easily, I formulated a plan to be able to approach him without being too awkward. I had to know what about him was fascinating me so much, so after placing my order, I headed over to the table. Confusingly, he tensed, but I easily brushed it off as something from his phone, maybe a horrific article. Putting on a polite smile, I tapped his shoulder gently. "May I sit here?"
He turned, eyes wide and almost panicked, but I kept smiling, hoping to not scare him. He stared for a moment before casting his eyes down and nodding. I headed to the seat across from him when across my minds eye, the eyes from my dream flashed, causing me to stumble, only reason I didn't fall over being the sudden arm around my waist and my hand braced against the table. "Are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice ring through the haze that still shrouded my mind from that. I looked up and gasped quietly. His eyes... He blinked and I shook my head, putting on a smile again.
"I'm fine. Thanks for that." I could've That can't be right, it wasn't possible. Am I going insane? At that moment, he seemed to realize how close we were and that he was still holding me and quickly backed up...only to have to surge forward again when I tried to take a step only to realize everything was still a bit off quilter. He helped me into the seat and I threw him a grateful smile. "I'm so sorry about that. I swear that's not a normal thing with me."
"It's fine..." He mumbled, looking away. I didn't get so much the feeling he wanted me to go away or he wanted to run, but more he wanted to keep me from him. No, keep isn't quite the right word...
Realizing I may have been staring, I quickly struck up conversation, pride blooming in my chest as he slowly broke out of his shell the longer we talked, getting more into it, our only breaks being to grab our drinks then to take sips, now eager to continue on. He seemed like a great guy and my fascination only deepened, though I excused it because there was at least cause this time. After he said something particularly funny, I burst out laughing, practically throwing my head back, but when I met his eyes again, something had changed. Not only were his eyes wide again, but instead of the panic, there was something...and he wasn't even meeting my eyes, rather staring at the juncture in my neck, right about where my birthmark would be. Deciding to make a joke to clear the suddenly heavy air, I gave a playful smirk and said, "Like my vampire bite? Hardcore, I know." With a jump, he snapped out of it, but his panic returned, and he scrambled for words. Biting my lip, I reached over and set my hand atop his. "Hey, shh, it's alright." I continued trying to soothe him, but the rest of the time during our conversation, he was reserved again and I cursed myself for having ruined it. Something about him now seemed haunted and I couldn't stand it.
After a while he looked down and mumbled he had to go. Honestly, I was disappointed, but before he got up, I gave him a sweet smile and asked for his name and number so that we could talk again soon. He seemed shocked for a second before shyly writing his number and handing it over and giving me an unsure and shy smile then leaving.
Well, at least it wasn't a total flop. I still had the chance to redeem myself, I just had to keep in mind this guy had something weird against mentioning birthmarks. With a sigh, I stood and threw out my empty cup, heading back home, but it wasn't quite the same. My thoughts were now racing and the sun was fully high in the sky and the chill had dissipated into nothing, not to mention the now loud music of the city now roared around me. It was a shame, but strangely fitting still, matching the turmoil around with the inner turmoil I was currently experiencing. least I had his number now. Hell, I had a name now! Weird, but it suited him. Gerard.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2017 ⏰

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