3 Seconds and Counting

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A/N: Well hello everybody! Welcome to the sequel to A Thousand Years! So, no need to read the first story since this is told mainly from Frank's POV and he kinda reincarnated so no memory of anything really, but it may be slightly confusing when/if I switch into Gerard's POV. Which is who I start out with. Gah! I suck at updating, fair warning. I haven't abandoned it yet!
Gerard's POV-
Exhausted, I walked into the cafe by my work. Since...the incident, or rather, repeat incident, I've had to change my profession. I couldn't bare to teach any longer. I tried, I did, but no matter where I went, my eyes would always wander to where...he would have been and every time, I would have to wrench my eyes away, knowing that if I let them reach their desired destination, I would only be met with heartache and disappointment. So in a selfish attempt to spare myself the grief, I moved and quit my job. I hadn't care where I went or what I would do next, just as long as I didn't have to face what I'd done for the second time. I tried not to think about it, but on days like this, it was near impossible not to. Today, marked a 1,000 years, 219 days, 13 hours, 7 minutes, and 3 seconds and counting since then and no matter how long it had been, it still hurt remember, and it was near driving me absolutely mad.
After placing my order, I went to sit in my usual seat that was typically vacant only to see a small looking dark haired male already sitting there on his phone looking about ready to fall asleep right there, likely waiting for his order as well. He appeared ordinary enough, but with what today was, my current train of thought, and his appearance, it was as if someone had shoved their hand into my chest, yanked out my heart, slammed it to the ground, and squashed it under their giant boot as if it were merely a bug. Closing my eyes tightly to fight back the tears gathering there, I swiftly turned around and made my way to a seat almost opposite of the man.
Lying my head on my arms that were crossed on the table, I tried avoiding even looking his direction, but it just wouldn't work. Right as I was about ready to leave to attempt to get away from the merciless man, a name was called out that made me snap to attention and twist my head in the direction of the counter all the while I watched with bated breath because that name and that voice forming a polite "thank you"...
My eyes landed on the man from earlier, his profile now visible, but I didn't dare hope. But as he turned, his face became fully visible and, where it had previously been sprinting through my veins, my blood froze because it was him.
It was Frank.

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