Chapter 4 - You must be Nemo

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Walking towards my bed, I wrapped my hair into a bun and changed into my Hello Kitty pajamas. I just finished a long, relaxing bubble bath. I kind of do it a lot lately, just to prevent myself from stressing out too much, brought by homeschooling. Though I believe it's more stressful if I really go to a normal school. You know with all that dramas, academics and boys. I cringed at the thought.

I walk towards my study table and check my laptop to see if I got new emails.

No new messages.

Okay, I'll just watch YouTube videos then. Nice, Michelle Phan uploaded 4 hours ago.

Or maybe I'll just do a Michelle Phan marathon, since I already finished my homeworks. I grabbed my laptop and lay on my bed.

I'm on the fourth make up tutorial video when my phone beeped notifying me that I got a text. However, my phone is on the study table in front of my bed and I'm too lazy to get it, also recognizing the fact that I'm liking my comfortable position right now.

Whoever this is, should be worth my effort as I get up from my very comfortable and lazy position. If not, all hell shall break loose.

Grabbing my phone by my toes, I checked to see who dares disturb my Michelle Phan marathon.

It's like all blood came rushing towards my brain as I dial the number of the devil. 

I tapped my fingers to my bed while waiting. It took him two rings before answering.

"Hey Gaby!"

"Why are you texting me 'dot' again, and how many times have I told you that this is not Gaby."

"Wait let me recall. . . the first one was when I texted you first, then when you called me, that's two. Then—"

"Did you really have to count?"

"Well you asked me how many times. I was just being obedient."

"No, you're being sarcastic."

"Was not. In fact, you're the one who called me, angel." Oh goody, another endearment.

"I called, because you won't stop texting me! And I don't like it when a stranger texts me. Don't you think it's creepy?" I say as I composed myself, seeing that his not really worth the wrinkles.

"I think it's creepy if I were an old married man, trying to get in the pants of such a sweet soft spoken young lady."

"Well, are you not??"

"You wound me every damn time, angel. Can't you tell by the way I sound?"

"Well, you should know that there's this thing called frequency, and the frequency response of the telephone system is limited, a major reason for voices sounding different on phone calls."

"Woah, you sound like a nerd."

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing, dummy."

"Hey, I didn't! I like nerds, and books and fishes."

"So your name must be Nemo?"

"What, no. What makes you say--?"

"Because you should get lost."

Boom. You think you're the only one packed with pickup lines huh. Boy, I've got a lot in my basket.

"Man! I just found my other half, my rock, my whole world, my angel. Where did you go all this time?"

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