Since when do parents have the right to marry you off to random strangers?!

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Since When?! Chapter Three

Heyy,, its kaciasaurus,, uhmm sorry the upload took so long,, I just moved to tampa,, florida this week!! Lmao..!! Yeah,, 27 hours of driving is no fun when you've got nothing to do,, no one to talk to,, your dead tired,, and there are two freakishly annoying cats that wont stop meowing!! Well I don't wanna freak you out with all my talking,, so here we go!!


"Our house as in, together by ourselves and living in a room together, our house?" I panicked. He nodded and laughed at my concern.

"It's okay, you can sleep on the couch if you find me that revolting." Great, he was volunteering me for the couch.

"Yay!" I smiled with fake amusement.

All was silent for what felt like an hour all because Tara was sleeping. We came to a stop in front of a huge mansion. No, it wasn't a mansion, it was more like a castle. What had my parents gotten me in to?!


Dominic walked behind me, and gave me a push. "You gotta keep moving." I almost tripped with Tara in my arms.

"What the hell was that for?!" I screamed at him.

"You're too slow, I wanna make it inside within the next fourteen hundred years thanks." My jaw dropped. What happened to the sweetie pie Dominic?! "Are you gonna stare at me or move your ass inside?"

"You're an asshole, just thought you'd like to know." I smiled, but poison seeped through my mouth.

"Yeah, thanks sweetheart. Now get inside." He pushed me through the now open door. I stumbled, but quickly caught myself on the stair banister. I looked back to the door, but he'd already started up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked, trying not to glare at him no matter how pissed off I got. I mean, I might as well get used to it if I was supposed to marry him.

"I'm going to our room. Are you coming?" He smirked. It was slightly seductive, yet rude.

"I guess so." My legs were shaky as I followed behind him.

"Oh yes, I forgot. Tara's room is next to ours. We should probably take her there first anyway, she looks dead tired." He laughed, almost nervously. Something in his eyes told me just how nervous he was about our situation, and our supposed child-to-be.

We walked through a long hallway, complete with multiple guest rooms, luxury rooms, an office, a sitting room, large bathrooms, and at the end of the hall the children's room and ours. Tara's room was bright pink, decorated with hello kitty dolls and a huge crib. She'd already been asleep, so I tried to set her down as gently as I could without awakening her. She snuggled into the blankets and stayed asleep. Dominic stroked her cheek lovingly, and then we both left the room.

I looked at him puzzled, trying to read his actions. So far I'd been completely baffled by him.

Just at the very end of the hall was my, I mean, our room. Our room was dark, with a huge black bed in the middle. I looked around, noticing he two huge closets on opposite sides of the room. A television was mounted on the wall across from the bed. I laid down on the bed, finding it to be much to my liking. I ran my hand across the purple silk sheets, and then walked to the fogged glass door in the corner of the room.

I nervously turned the knob to find a huge bathroom. Everything was black or white, with a few accents of purple like the other room. A Jacuzzi bath sat in a corner and across from it was a glassed in shower. On the other side of the room sat the normal things for a bathroom, you know, toilet, sink, and countertops. A black door led outside to a deck, where sat a large hot tub.

I turned to return to the bedroom, but I was startled when I turned and ran into Dominic. I stumbled backwards and my leg hit the sharp corner on the sink, digging deep into my flesh. I pulled my leg away from the corner, but it was too late. The cut had already started oozing dark red blood, spilling onto the floor. Dominic grabbed a purple towel from the rack immediately and sat me on the chair next

to the sink. He lifted my pant leg and wrapped the towel around my calf.

"God, why are you so clumsy?!" He laughed, almost rude. He dabbed the towel at the cut, wiping up the blood that was on my leg. "I'll be right back. I'm getting the first aid kit." I nodded, but didn't say a word. My calf was throbbing as if I'd hit it with a hammer. Moments later Dominic was back at my side, a first aid kit in his hand. "I knew this would come in handy." He smiled, taking out some gauze and bandaging.

"I'm a clumsy person." I sighed, almost giggling. I was humiliated because I was so helpless and weak in front of him.

"This is going to sting, a lot." He admitted, applying a cold adhesive to the cut. I cringed and pit my lip with the sting and pressure of the gauze bandaging around my leg. I had to shut my eyes temporarily. "You can look now." He spoke.

"Wow, you're good at that. You should be a doctor. I'll need one because I'm always getting hurt." I laughed nervously, but a smile tugged at my mouth.

"I always wanted to be a children's doctor, I don't know why though. I love kids, and I want to be a doctor. It seemed like a good career choice until a few years ago." He smiled at first, but then he frowned slightly. "My dad wants me to take over the family company," he started," but I don't want to be a business man."

"Oh, I sort of know how you feel. This is so complicated." I sighed.

"This whole marriage thing, I can't even believe it. I mean, you're only seventeen, and I'm eighteen.

No one told either of us why, or when, they just sort of forced it onto us. Then there's this having a kid thing. I don't want to do that with someone I don't love, no offense."

"I know, but I guess we have to deal with it. At least you don't get to carry the proof under your skin for four months and be humiliated because your child is a half breed. I had things I'd rather do, but I have to deal with this."

"Wh-wait." He stuttered. "Four months? I thought it was nine?" Dominic's eyebrows knitted together.

"You forget I'm not human of course." I giggled a little. "So we have about two weeks to stay normal, then we get to start hell."

"I guess so," he nodded," but I still don't wanna do this."

"Neither do I idiot. I wanted to fall in love, get married have children later. Now it's just having a child, get married, and you're SOL for the whole love thing." I frowned a little.

"You never know about that love thing, you can come to love someone eventually." He smiled sweetly. I didn't even know what I was thinking. His body moved towards me, placing his face right in front of mine. My body almost naturally shifted towards him, finding his alluring lips just millimeters from

my own.

-ahaha cruelty comes with love!!<3-

xoxo killerkacia(:

Since when do parents have the right to marry you off to random strangers?!Where stories live. Discover now