Since when?! Four

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Since When?! Four

Back again kiddies!! Ahaha.. im just really bored d: my K on my keyboard isn't working right so im sorry if I forget to add one in or it doesn't go.. well ill stop babbling,, enjoy kiddies!!^^ oh yeahh,, and i shall apologize in advance,, for mitchi likes her new nickname for Dominic!!


"I wanted to fall in love, get married have children later. Now it's just having a child, get married, and you're SOL for the whole love thing." I frowned a little.

"You never know about that love thing, you can come to love someone eventually." He smiled sweetly. I didn't even know what I was thinking. His body moved towards me, placing his face right in front of mine. My body almost naturally shifted towards him, finding his alluring lips just millimeters from my own.


Neither of us moved momentarily. Just as I was about to give into the temptation he pulled away, leaving me hanging there. "We have an engagement party to attend here tonight, you need to get ready." He said, breaking the silence.

"Party?" I murmured. "But I hate parties. Do I really have to go?"

"Yes, you do. There isn't any option. They're throwing a party for OUR engagement, you definitely have to go."

"But I don't wanna go!" I whined, probably sounding like a five year old.

"You HAVE to. You don't have a choice. Plus, this is a formal gathering. You have to dress up." He kept saying I HAVE to do things. Maybe I didn't want to do those things. I mean, I didn't have to do anything he said if I didn't want to.

"I don't dress up." I refused.

"Neither do I, but I have to." We both frowned.

"But I don't even own anything formal!" It was true, I didn't. I HATED dresses and skirts and girly things, well, besides tutus, I loved tutus.

"That's okay, my sister already picked out an outfit for you and its hanging in your closet." He smirked. For some reason I had a feeling that I wouldn't like this at all.

"What time is the party?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

"It starts in three hours, but you aren't supposed to come down until a half hour after it begins. After I get the ready from the stylist that you are presentable I will come upstairs to get you, and then we will descend the stairs together then talk to some guests. Around four thirty we will have the announcement where I have to propose and yes, you do have to say yes. After that we mingle some more and then at seven-thirty the party is over. At eight o'clock we have a reservation at P.F. Chang's for dinner and then the night is over." He recited the entire schedule for the night without a single flaw.

"It seems we have a busy night, great." I rolled my eyes with sarcasm, trying to make it obvious that I was quite unhappy.

"Stop giving me sass, I don't have to put up with all your bullshit." He gave me a stern look.

"That's great cause I don't wanna deal with yours." I laughed. "What're you gonna do if I do give you crap?! You can't punish me."

He smirked, and then chuckled slightly. "I can punish you."

I frowned. "I don't even wanna know what perverse things you consider to be punishment." I took a jab at him.

"I'm not a pervert. Even if I was I wouldn't do anything to you, you're way too annoying." He narrowed his eyes at me, giving a harsh glare.

I looked away from him momentarily. When I looked back his face had softened. "You know, you're still an asshole."

"Yep darling and you're stuck with me forever." He winked, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. I held back a giggle, this was no time to be flirting. "Well, you're not that bad looking, but I don't do emo girls." My jaw dropped. He'd totally stabbed my heart with that. I had to find something to come back with.

"It's okay, I don't do assholes." I smiled and cocked my head to the side.

"You're going to be doing this 'asshole' for the rest of your life! You might as well get used to it now baby." Ew, he called me baby. I made a disgusted expression and rolled my eyes.

"That's what you think." I murmured. "You'd have to be able to get into my pants first, which will happen, well, never!" I thought aloud. Oops. Shit. I didn't mean to do that. Damn my mind, it never wants to keep anything to itself! You should hear when it tells big secrets. I clamped a hand over my mouth, hoping nothing else would be able to slip out.

"Excuse me?" He looked puzzled. "For fact, I bet you I'd have no problem, as you say, 'getting into your pants.'" That devilish smirk was on his face again, and honestly I was about to slap him as hard as I could.

Instead I murmured another," That's what you think." He raised his eyebrows. "Go get ready asshole." I held back the laugh that accompanied my new name for him.

"Whatever, later pants." He literally blew a kiss to my jeans. Uh, I was going to kill him the first chance I got!


well later kiddies!! sorry about the language..): i hope i didnt offend anyone.. but keep reading!! another one should be up later since i wrote like five chapters at school.. well also the name is suuuuper long so im just gonna start titling it shorter as Since When?! ((chapter ##)) sowwies if i confuzzled you.. no more talking,, buh byesies!!

xoxo kacia

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