The Art Of Zombie Killing [Chapter 2]

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Chapter 2 

The Institution

The Mental Institution seemed to be as old as my grandmother, being the strong 60 year old woman that she was. Right as I walked through the newly put in doors, I caught a smell of the, almost sickening, aroma of a hospital; that over sanitized smell. It brought back memories of spending too much time in there as a child; being with people having their own sickness, hoping that this place and all of the problems brought to it would disappear. All of the walls were white with nothing on them. No decoration, no color, nothing but old or "forget worthy" memories to focus on.

I stepped up to an old woman sitting in a desk, working on a large stack of papers. She looked tired, too up tight, like her life had been wasted and now she couldn't do anything about it. She wore a nurse outfit that looked like it had come from the 1950's. I guessed this womans age was, at least, 60 but her wrinkles told me slightly older. Before I could evert my eyes, her quick glance told me she caught me staring. Se threw me a look of suspicioun then looked up at Immanuel and smiled.

"Good morning, Therice," he said, kindly, his brown nose seeming to glisten more than ever to me. Typical Immanuel, kissing up to anyone he deamed quite important.

"Good morning," she responded, a slight nod of her head, then squared her attention back at me who was trying to make this less awkward for myself.

"You must be the new one," she said, obvious bitter tone. I don't know why I was so unlikeable to people. I have always been that way. I don't know why Immaunel stuck around. We did know each other since the third grade. I nodded my head, with a smile, and snuck a quick peak at Immanuel, who was clocking in.

"Yes. I'm Brady," I said then I held out my hand. She looked at it for a moment then shook once and let go.

"I'm Therice Novan. I'll show you around so you aren't wandering into unassigned halls," she said then got up slowly, not making an effort to be humble, and started walking down a hall, away from Immanuel. Freedom at last, I thought to myself.


She showed me all the halls to go into and not to go into.

She gave me keys to every door I could possibly need to get into

She already had my staff I.D ready.

"You will be assigned to this hall. Your desk is over there," she gestured to a desk in front of the hall. "You will have to check the patients every other hour. If they need anything, get it for them. If you don't understand what they want, ask a nurse."

I nodded my head and looked down the hall to spot a beautiful girl walking my way.

She had black long hair with wide brown eyes.

A nice body and dimples, making her look extraordinary.

She was linked arms with two tall men, body guards I figured, and conversing normally.

They ended at her door and helped her in.

I sat at my desk, in perfect view of her room.

Once she was in, they looked at me for a moment.

Not much emotion was in there eyes except hate and annoyance.

Probably because I was watching the girl.

They walked toward me and sat in seats across from my desk.

"New here?" One of the tall men asked.

He had short, brown, curly hair and green eyes. He wasn't wearing a hospital uniform, just a security guard uniform.

Brett, his nametag read.

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