Thirty-five // Give me a week

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Phone call Nr.9

"Adam?...Oh god no, I mean Dylan!"

"Hey Jess!"

"Well I was a bit afraid to call you because there is so much going on in me but here I am finally and I wanted to repeat some things I said when we met."

"Oh sure, go on!"

"Yeah...Dylan, you were important to me back then and you are still very important to me now. I maybe met you as "Adam" but it doesn't matter. I...want my life...I don't want to lose you again. I don't care about the "fake identity" thing. I just"


"Dylan I just request one thing from you. Please just don't leave me ever again."

"Jess I won't leave you. Even if someone would force me...this time I will keep tight on you. I want you in my life too Jess. You are really important to me. I can't even bear the thought of losing you again. As I said, this time, I will fight with everything I have."

"Good then and I also want a promise."

"I promise, I won't leave you ever again Jess."

"Dylan...I-I'm so happy..."

"Jess please don't cry...I only want to hear you laugh from now on."


"That's better...hearing your cute laughter."

"Don't make me blush."

"Ah haha well I have one request too."

"Oh okay, tell me."

"Don't go to school for one week."


"Please Jess, just don't. Trust me."

"But Dylan...I..."

"Jess come on...I really need you to do that."

"A-alright but why?"

"I'll tell you that later. Just stay away for a week. Fake illness or something sweety."

"I'm just trying to understand what you are planning but that doesn't really work out."

"Just truuuuuust me."

"Okay, okay, fine. I'll stay away for a week."

"Good then, I have to go now but I'll write you later again."

"Alrighty, talk to you then Dylan."

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