Chapter 5 -

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I woke up at around 10am and saw Joe with his arms around me, Caspar was luckily still asleep, I wiggled out of his grip and went to the bathroom. Come to think of it Joe is actually quite fit, oh well I can't do anything with him, he's Caspars best friend, you never know! Like Joe would ever like me, me of all people. Ha. As I was in deep thought I felt arms wrap around me, I turned my head to see Joe. He spun me around and kissed me, it was like fireworks, it felt like nothing before, I had butterflies in my stomach, it was wow just wow. He pulled away and said "Sorry I had to see whether you felt what I did the other night." A smile went on his face "I felt it to!" I said as I pecked him on the cheek. We both left the bathroom to see Caspar still asleep so we sat down and had breakfast. Surprisingly it wasn't awkward, we were just talking and talking like we'd know each other for our whole lives. "Hey Abb, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date later on." He said awkwardly scratching his neck, "I would love to!" I said as I grabbed his hand "Really, I can't believe you said yes!" A smile perked on his face, as he kissed my forehead.

2 hours had passed and Caspar had only just woke up, the lazy sod, me and Joe both decided not to tell Caspar about our little date because we knew what would happen.

For the rest of the day I was really distracted, I couldn't stop thinking about what to wear or what to say, my head was hurting with everything going through my brain! I decided to call the in big guns, my best friend, Holly. I whipped out my phone -
Abbie ~ Hey Holls, I was wondering if you wanted to come and help me pick out an outfit and do my make up for a date tonight! 😂😋

Holly ~ OMG, yes obvi 😂 where are you? I tried to ring yours and Tom's home phone and Tom was acting like a complete dick. 😂😂

Abbie ~ Yeah he is 🙄 can't believe I fell for it again. Anyway I'm crashing at Joe's house, Caspar's best friend, can't wait to see you x

Holly ~ Just text me the address and I'll see you as soon as I can get there 😋xx

~end of conversation~

I sent Abbie the address and told her not to tell Caspar she was coming for my date just incase.

About 20 minutes later there was a big band on the front door "I'LL GET IT!" Caspar shouted. I could here Holly giggling talking to Caspar. I always knew them two had a connection, they would make a really cute couple! Once I let Holly and Caspar talk for awhile, ya know to get the creative juices flowing! I heard Joe come down and ask what was up, so we walked in to living room. I ran over to Holly as she ran over to me! "Abbie, Abbie, Abbie, it feels like ages how have you been!" Holly shrieked down my ear "I've been great thanks, should we go up now." I said. As I turned around I realised that Joe was behind me. "Oh yeah Joe this my best friend Holly!" But Holly already knew who Joe was. "Hi Joe, you're very good at your job!" Holly had a little perk in her voice "Hi Holly, so you know who I am, that doesn't normally happen!" Joe said surprised "Of course I know you, I've been watching Caspars videos since he started" she turned around to look at Caspar, I'd never seen that look before, as she turned back around I interrupted " Hey would should go now!" I grabbed one of Holly's bags and she grabbed the other. Boy does she take a lot with her. As we entered the room and put everything down and thought we were about to get everything ready she said "hey lazy bones lets get the rest of the stuff out of the car!" I looked at her with amazement. "More things Jesus Holly, I would hate to pay for you at the airport!" As we both laughed we went down to her car and got the rest of the stuff. "Abbie, now can you tell me who you're going on a date with, you just said I couldn't tell Casp!" I felt awkward I didn't really wanna tell her incase she says something bad, like Caspar would, but I knew she would force it out of me! "Ok, it's Joe!" I blurted out "awwww that's adorable you two make a super cute couple!" I was surprised at the response but it was a good one!

We both went upstairs and we had finished setting up and we were ready to get everything sorted.

Thanks for reading til now , I feel it's still going slow but it's gonna speed up soon, don't worry!

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