Chapter 8 -

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- 1 month later -

Abbie's P.O.V ~

Me and Caspar had been speaking on as little as possible but it was ok cause I still had Holly. Joe came round a few times to film videos with Caspar, because we didn't want fans thinking that they weren't friends. Well they were friends Caspar had died down a bit but if he saw me and Joe getting to close he would get really angry, but he was letting us off with more. Holly and Caspar had started dating and it was adorable.

I decided to ask Holly to ask Caspar if it were such a bad thing of me and Joe were to date she said she was going to tell him yesterday so I'm waiting for her to come into the living room and see what he said. There she is, but it didn't look like her she'd been crying and she was trying to cover something up. To anyone else she'd look normal, but she's my best friend I could see there was something wrong. I stood up grabbed her wrist and went to the bathroom. I picked up a make up wipe and rubbed away the foundation she used to cover a massive bruise all over the left side of her face. I couldn't believe it.

My heart stopped, it must of been Caspar! How could he. "OMG, HOLLY WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED! WAS IT HIM." Her head dropped as soon as I said that, she turned around and started to walk out but I wouldn't let her "Abbie it's ok, everything's gonna be ok, I'm fine." Holly was calm and collective but I could hear the nerves in her voice. "Holly why would Caspar do something like this to you." I then realised that the night before she asked him about me and Joe. He must have flipped on her, "Abbie, I'm fine he's just a bit on edge recently." I didn't believe it but before I could say anything else there was a massive bang on the bathroom door and it opened. Caspar looked terrible, he hadn't had any sleep and he'd been crying all night it was obvious. "Abbie do you mind if I talk to Holly for a minute." His voice was dull and had no emotion. Holly started walking off but I stopped her and stared straight into her eyes, she nodded and walked off with Caspar to his room.

Caspar's P.O.V ~

I couldn't believe what I did last night all my emotions all gathered into one and I had to let it out. I hit her. I didn't mean to but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to fix it though. She couldn't hate me, because I love her.

I brought her to my room and shut the door behind me. "Listen Holly. I can't believe I lashed out, I ... I just couldn't keep it in anymore, it had been building up inside me since the other month, and I just let it all out last night. I'm so sorry and I know that sorry isn't enough, I can't believe I lost the girl I love to a stupid mistake and I can see why you would want to pack up and leave." I said it. I love her. But I know she'll want to leave so it was just a waste of time but it was worth it to see her reaction. She said nothing but come closer wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me into a deep and passionate kiss, it was amazing. As she pulled away she whispered in my ear "I understand, I love you too." She said it back! I was over joyed.

"Caspar, I know it's a touchy subject but please can you tell me why you won't let Abbie and Joe date." I didn't want to tell her but I had to. "It's complicated but Joe uses girls, basically he'd have a new girl at least once a month, make them feel special, and only use them for sex. I just sat back and watched as he broke so many girls hearts, I just don't want Abbie ending up like that!" Holly brought me into a warm embrace and I immediately know she gets it "Casp, I understand I don't want Abbie to get hurt either." She grabbed my hand and we walked out the room.

Abbie's P.O.V. ~

I was sat on the sofa waiting for Holly and Caspar. Of course they walk out holding hands, I knew Holly would forgive him, she forgives people way to easily but she knows that. As Holly goes to sit on the chair there's a knock on the door and Caspar goes to open it. Yay it's Joe. Caspar lets him in and he sits on the couch right next to me. His hand grazed mine and sparks went through my body. I missed his touched,
I wanted it so badly but Caspar wouldn't let it. Caspar didn't see anything. The only thing he noticed was the fact there was no room for him. He picked Holly up and put her on his lap and the chair. But the fact she was kicking and screaming I don't really think she wanted to sit on his lap. We all had a great night laughing and actually all talking for once. Holly could see I tried my hardest not to touch Joe so she gave me the look, when she stood up and took Caspar back to the room. We were finally alone. We talked and cuddled each other as we knew nights like these didn't usually happen.



Yay another chapter, god this story is boring 😂

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