Last night I slept in a bed that smelled like gingerbread cookies. That that mean that I was sleeping in candy land? There were even glowing stars on the ceiling what would those be? I'm really confused now. To be exact I ended up hugging the pillow while I was sleeping. Then my brother woke me up by yelling "MOO" into my ears. Yeah. It hurt. A lot. Then I ate three pancakes for breakfast (and I know it doesn't sound like much but these were super filling) along with three to four glasses of blueberry lemonade. That meal was just the best.
Then like fifteen minutes after that we went to a park. Yup. My morning was packed. The worst part is that one of my friends is driving back to where he lives and he stopped to have lunch and we were talking(ish) and then that was when I had to go to the park. Sadly, I think that he is driving still so...yeah.
But as all things come to an end, I am going back to my house now. (I was staying with an adult friend with my little bro during this time.)
Smiling Water (A Book of Random)
AcakThis is just stuff I feel like writing at the time...