Ello~ got inspired by this story from the video pyro made with his mates something like gmod funny moments or something with luigis and it made me laugh incredibly.
The video is a bit old ish it ain't new but you can find it somewhere in YouTube.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*buzz* you just got a text message from pyro about playing gmod with him.
Pyro: ready to collab m8
You: hell Ye always ready
Pyro: k join this server (server name of some sort)
You: Kk
Pyro: k
>kkk< o-o
~end of convo~
You then set up everything and join his server and fix the mic.
"Ello fag" you say.
"How's it goin retard"
"Pretty Gud actually"
Anyways you start playing around and you see some people riding on error signs must be cuz of the game being weird or something. You then see a luigi with a gun and start to follow it.
"Hey luigi gimme da gun"
-no response-
"Luigi give me da fuckin gun right now."
-no response *keeps running to a warehouse in the game*
"God dammit luigi stop being a fuckin Cünt and give the the fuckin gun you fag"
Luigi then points the gun at you then you start to shoot at luigi and eventually killing him in the process and taking his gun as well.~5 minutes later~
You and pyro find 5 luigis gang fighting each other
P: "Df is this shit"
U: "haha luigis..."
P: "luigis calm down df is this shit"
*pyro starts to laugh tremendously on how fucking ridiculous it looks*
You start to laugh as well.Anyways you finish the collab and thought it was really fun.
Pyros P.O.V
Me and (y/n) started playing gmod she seemed pretty chill not like anyone else I've met actually now that I think about it but yeah their were luigis fighting over the last spaghetti meatball, we shared some laughs and for some reason I started having stray feelings about this girl I don't get it honestly, but whatever it was fun in the end.
*buzz* it's a text from (y/n)
Her: hey it was pretty fun, the collab we should do more and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up and just hang out?
Pyro: yeah it was fun we should do some more often and we're would you want to meet?
Her: your choice I asked you lol
Pyro: ok lol, just a coffee shop then, the one next to Barns and nobles.
Her: k cya there~
-end of chat-Till the next chapter~ NYEH.

Cringecynical {a PyrocynicalXReader} m8
FanficOne day you were scrolling on YouTube cuz you were bored Asf then you stumbled upon a youtuber named "pyrocynical" which sounded like a type of medicine for tumors. But you found him on Twitter too and he seemed like a chill dude so you followed hi...