Chapter 6

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It had been a month since John watched Evelyn's performance and he had talked with her several times since then. Everyday he seemed to grow more and more fond of her.
John sat by the window, absorbed in his own world as he busied himself with his church model, delicately painting the brickwork on one of the towers. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." he said as he put down his paintbrush and turned to face his guest.

"Hello John, I was passing by and thought I might pop in for a while." Evelyn smiled.

"Evelyn, what a surprise! I wasn't expecting you. Come sit." he beckoned her to a chair.

"I'm meeting with a friend later but I'm not due to arrive at for an hour or two so I thought I'd drop by. I made some biscuits for her, would you like one?" she asked, holding out a tin of golden, sugary biscuits.

"Oh thank you, I'm sure they'll be excellent." he said, reaching his hand out to take one.

He took a bite, the soft, light texture melting in his mouth. He had never tasted something quite as delicious as this. All he used to eat was poorly cooked, stale potatoes, and while the hospital's food was certainly a step up from that it was no where near as good as this.

"It's simply phenomenal!" he asserted.

"Thank you, it's my mother's recipe, I used to love them as a child." she said, placing the tin on the table.

"I see your church is coming along well." she said pointing towards the cardboard model.

"Yes, it's nearly finished." he replied.

There was a moment of silence, neither of them knowing what to say.

"I have another show in a few months, perhaps you'd like to see it." she filled the silence.

"Yes, I look forward to it. Your last one was absolutely wonderful!" he said.

"Would you like to go into the garden?" he added.

"Oh yes, that sounds lovely." she smiled.

They sat under the shade of a willow tree from the hot mid-day sun. John couldn't help but notice how her hair swayed in the delicate breeze and how the sun illuminated her smooth, radiant skin. He felt almost envious of her, she was so perfect and beautiful, she almost seemed not of this earth. Her eyes met with his, filling him with a soft, heavenly feeling.

He had to tell her how he felt, he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up inside any longer.

"Evelyn, there's something I'd like to tell you." he began, slight uncertainty in his voice.

"Yes?" she beckoned, furrowing her eyebrows in curiousity.

He paused, gathering the courage to speak up.

"I — I love you." he stuttered, unsure of what was to come.

Evelyn sat for a moment, a look of hesitation on her face as she took in what he had said.

"I'm sorry...I — I can't do this." she muttered as she stood up and hurried away.

"Evelyn! Wait! Please!" John called after her, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry! I just...I just don't know!" she said with pity and guilt, looking over her shoulder as she walked down the corridors, John limping after her.

"Please, Evelyn come back!" he cried, falling to his knees in misery as she disappeared through the doors of the hospital.

He sobbed bitterly, a powerless heap on the cold stone floor of the hospital.

"What have I done! How could she ever love a monster like me!" he cried out vehemently.

"I'm nothing but a hideous freak that no one could ever love!" he shouted with hatred and bitterness.

"What have I done!"

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